the date

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A  few  moments  after  disoced  left Fluttershy  was  still  sitting  the  couch  shocked  and  excited  about just  happened  but  Unknown  to them  Queen Chrysalis , Lord Tirek ,  Cozy glow  and  King  sombra  were  all  hiding  in the  Bushes  and trees around  the  cottage  watching  the whole  event  take  place. Chrystalis  gaged  "ugh  it's  just  so  gross  !" I   mean  the   house  could  use  a  little  work  but  other  than  that-" Chrysalis  interrupted  tirek  "no  you  fool  I'm talking  about  Fluttershy  and that  idiot  Discords  love  for  each  other !" Tirek  rolled  his  eyes  sombra  nodded " agreed  love  is  nothing  but  a weekness  it  holds  you  back and hurts  you  discord  is  a  fool  for falling in love "  " yeah especially  the  fact  out  of  all  the other  ponies  and  creature's  he fell in  love  with  the  weekest  pony  out of  the  mane  six  and there not even the  same  specie's  which  makes  it worse there love must be stopped !"  Cozy glow added. The other's noded Crystalis chuckled " easy ...  All  we have  to  do  is  convince  that  good for  nothing  peguses  that  he  hasn't changed  and  if  that  doesn't  work then  will  just  make  them  hate  each other  one  way  or  another ..."  Her   eyes  glowed  menacingly.  Fluttershy was  upstairs  brushing  her  mane getting  ready  for  her  first  date  when  she  noticed  a  note " hmm ? " she  grabbed  the note and  read " "meet  me  at  the  edge  of  the  forest love  disord " she  smiled  and  finnished  brushing  Her  mane and sat  the  brush  down  on  her  dresser and  trotted  over  to  angle  and hugged  him " wish me luck I'll be home soon " angle  smiled Fluttershy smiled  and  trotted  downstairs leaving  the  cottage  heading  to  the Forest.  a  couple  minutes  later  she reached  the edge of  the  forest where discord  was  waiting  for  her " ah there's  my  beautiful  angel ...  "  He  smiled  Fluttershy  landed  blushing  a bit  And  hiding  behind  her  mane from  being  flatterd  " angle ? " She  giggled  a  little  nervously "I  don't  know  if  I  would  say  I'm  an "angle" " "  nonsense  ! You're  very  beautiful like  an  angle  you  also  have  the voice  of  one  you  also  act  like  one so how could you not be one ? "   Disord  smiled.  Fluttershy  blushed  a little  more  and  smiled " so  shall we  ? " Disord asked Fluttershy nodded  " mhmm " disord  took  her hoof  and  started  walking  with  her soon  they  reached  the  middle  of the  forest " stay  right  here  I  have  a little  surprise  for  you  I'll  be  right back  I  promise " disord kissed her cheek  and  walked  off  Fluttershy blushed  " ok sweetie .... " A  few moments  later  Chrysalis  and  the other's  came  out  of  the  forest "thank  goodness  I  thought  he'd never  leave ! " Chrystalis  grinned  at her   Fluttershy  gasped  and  eyes  widened  "  b-but  how  ?  I  thought  we  turned  you  into  stone  ! " Chrystalis  glared  "that's  besides  the point  ! " They  all  slowly  walks  twords Fluttershy  she  got  up  and started  backing  away " what  do  you want  from  me ? ... " Fluttershy  asked "  we  just  want  to  talk  to  you ... " Chrystalis  put  her  hoof  under fluttershys  chin  raising  it  up  to  look  at  her " listen child ... Discord is nothing  but a trouble maker he'll only ruin your life ... Believe  me  take some  advice  from  and  old  foe" the other  villans  nodded. Fluttershys ears  fell  chrystalis  removed  her hoof  and  glared  " and  if  you  tell him  or  anyone  about  this ! "  She used  her  magic  to  raise  a  picture  of  her  and  riped  it  in  half  were her  neck  was " don't  think  I  won't think  twice  about  killing  you .... " Fluttershy ears fell and put her hoof on  her  neck  scared  Chrysalis  glared and  left  along  with  the  other's Fluttershy  sat  on  the  rock scared and  confused  about  what  just happened  a  couple  minutes  later disord  came  back  with  a  purple flower in his paw  " phew sorry that took me longer then i except ! These flowers are very rare to find ! "  He smiled  and  gently  placed  it  in  her hair  she  smiled  a  bit " it's  beautiful dissy  thank  you ... " she  sighed Discords  ears  fell  "  is  something wrong  butterfly ? ...  " N-no  I'm  ok " she replied he smiled a bit " you look tired  why  don't  we  take  you  home " he  gently  picked  her  up  holding her  in  his  arms  she  yawned  and rubbed  her  eye  and  slowly  nodded he  smiled  and carried  her  home
When  they  arived  she  was  asleep disord  noticed and chucked " aww ... " He  smiled  and  entered  the  house carrying  her  to  her  bed gently setting  her  down  and  covering  her up  and  gently  kissed  her  forehead " sweet dreams sweetheart ... " Discord teloported  off  leaving  her  be  she gently smiled a little in her sleep.

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