the proposal

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Five year's passed since that day had past but today was a very special day especially for fluttershy and Discord.

Spike stared down at the dimond ring his Eye's widened and twinkling with amazement. " It's beautiful ! " he said looking up at Discord.

Big mac nodded in agreement and let out a big " Eeyup ! " And smiled happy for his Draconaquess friend.

Discord smiled a bit " ya think she'll like it ? " He asked a big nervously.

Spike and big Mac both looked at each other then back at Discord and nodded " you kidding fluttershy is to to be so happy ! She'll never Believe what happened ! " Spike said very excited.

Big Mac smiled discord smiled back as but his Ears fell " you really think we're ready ? ... " He Looked down at the beautiful ring he bought for his beloved.

Spike rolled his eyes " come on discord how long have you and flutters been a thing ? " He folded his arm's

Discord sighed " five amazing years .... Probably the best years of my life ... " He smiled as he stared down at the ring.

Spike smiled " then that's your answer you are ready " he Said confidentiality big Mac nodded and smiled.

Discord smiled back " you know what ? Your absolutely right ! " Discord smiled.

Spike and Big Mac smiled at there Draconaquess friend wishing him the best of luck .

Discord smiled before closing the Dimond ring box and teloporting to his dimension.

Fluttershy was sitting at her mirror brushing her mane humming a lovely tune when she felt someone come and hug her from behind.

She blushed brightly surprised and Giggled "well I wonder who that could be " she looked up at him and smiled.

Discord chucked " I don't know you tell me " he smiled and gently kissed her fluttershy Blushed and smiled and kissed him back.

Discord smiled happily at her " I love you so much dear ... " Fluttershy Looked back at him " I love you too ...
" She smiled back

Discord smiled " say ? How do you feel about a little trip to the waterfall ? " Fluttershy gasped " I'd love too ! " She said very happy.

Discord smiled " excellent ! Shall we my love ? " He held out his paw to her.

Fluttershy smiled and held it " we shall ... " Discord smiled and snapped his fingers teloporting them off to the waterfall.

Soon they arrived at a trial to the waterfall fluttershy smiled " dissy ? What's this all about ? " She asked curiously.

Discord looked back at her and smiled " You'll just have to wait and see " he winked before holding her hoof and hiking to the waterfall.

Soon they arrived to the waterfall " ah here we are " Discord said fluttershy smiled.

Discord smiled back " come on there's a little entry way behind the waterfall so we can have a little more .... privacy " fluttershy Blushed a bit and smiled.

They both Entered the entry to behind the cave fluttershy Looked around amazed " it's beautiful ... " Discord looked at her and Blushed and Sighed blissfully "it is isn't it ... " Fluttershy continued looking around.

Discord looked at the ring box and sighed and whispered to himself " here goes nothing ... " He took a deep breath " love ? ... " His ears fell a little.

Fluttershy looked back at him and smiled discord walked over to her and held her hoof " so ... We've been dating for the past five years ... And there the best five years I've ever had ... And you know how much I love you ... " Fluttershy nodded

Discord looked into her eyes " well ... I thought it was impossible for me to love or even be loved by anyone ... You taught me otherwise ... And I think I'm ready ... Ready to move on ... And be with you for longer then five year's I want to be with you forever ... " He smiled and pulled out the ring box and got down on one knee.

Fluttershy eyes widened and covered her mouth with her hooves shocked " because you are my forever ... What I'm trying to say it ... " He gently opened the ring box " F-fluttershy will you marry me ? " Fluttershy gasped and teared up.

She then smiled and hugged him " Yes , yes , yes a million times yes I will marry you ! " She continued hugging him crying.

Discord hugged back gently petting her " thank you

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Discord hugged back gently petting her " thank you ... I love you so much ... My beautiful element of kindness ... " She then let go tears remaining in eye's.

Discord smiled and gently wipes them away " shh don't cry angle ... " Discord smiled and gently put the ringed necklace around her neck

Fluttershy snifed a little and Giggled a a bit " I'm so sorry it's just I'm so happy ... " Discord smiled before gently kissing her fluttershy Blushed and kissed back

Discord and fluttershy smiled both holding each other closely and kissing each other passionately beginning the beautiful running waterfall.

Back at the layer of the villans Chrysalis watched through the magic ball and grinned

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