a surprising calm breakfast

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Fluttershy and Discord were walking through ponyville together on there way to a restaurant to get some breakfast still Discord was still holding her hoof.

As they walked fluttershy noticed her old cottage her ears fell although she was happy to be living with the love of her life she still missed her old home.

Discord looked over to her and noticed "you Miss you're old cottage don't you ? ... "
Fluttershy sighed " I do alot ... This place ment everything to me ..."
Discords Ears fell

Discord gently rubbed her hoof  " I know sweetheart ... I promise I'll make my place feel just like home for you ... I'll do anything to make you feel  safe ... And happy .... " Fluttershy smiled a little.

As they walked they passed by a shop and Discord and fluttershy reflection appeared as they walked except Discord reflection chaos glared at him as they passed.

Soon they reached a small Cafe and sat down " so do you know what you want my dear ? " He smiled a little.

Fluttershy looked at the menu
"hmm ... I think I might want a daisy sandwich with Green tea " she smiled a little.

Discord thought " I think I might strawberry kiwi juice with three Cherry's with a little unbrella and some donuts " He smiled.

Fluttershy Giggled a little " isn't that what you asked me to get you when King sombra blasted you ? " She smiled.

Discord chucked " it is ... That or cotton candy and chocolate milk always puts me in a good mood " he smiled.

She sighed blissfully " you know ... I remember when he attacked you ... You saved me ... " She smiled.

He blushed a little " of course I did ... I wouldn't let him hurt you .... I love you too much to let anyone hurt you ... " He smiled.

She smiled a little and her ears fell " i-i was so scared I thought he hurt you badly .... " Discord ears fell.

He gently placed his paw over her hoof  " shh I know you were but at least I'm here now ... Plus that wannabe king can't do anything to me ...  And I most certainly won't let him do anything to you ... " He smiled a little.

Fluttershys ears perked up a little and she smiled a bit " you know what ? ... You're right ... " Discord smiled still having his paw over his hoof.

A little while later they got there foods and drink's arrived at there table.

Fluttershy smiled a little and started eating her sandwich Discord smiled a little.

Discord was about to eat when he noticed his reflection Chaos was reflecting off of his drink glaring at him and shaking his head in disappointment.

Discord rolled his eyes and grabbed a doughnut and started eating chaos continued glaring at him.

A little while later they both had ate there breakfast and were walking back home.

As they did they passed by the same shop chaos glared at him disord noticed and Growled a little and glared back.

Fluttershy noticed  and her ears fell
"love ? Are you ok ? " Discord continued glareing " oh yes my dear I'm perfectly fine " he said a bit irritated.

Fluttershy ears remained down " are you sure ? " Discord ears fell.

Discord sighed fluttershy snuggled against him as they walked " come on sweetie you can tell me ... " His ears remained down.

Discord took a deep breath " w-well ... it's just my reflection chaos has been bothering me alot since  This morning and he's been following me and just keeps glareing at me ... " Fluttershy ears fell.

She then asked him " Have you ignored him ? ... "
Discord Sighed " as best as I can ... it's hard though ... And I can't help but feel he's up to something ... " His ears fell.

Fluttershy slowly nodded " I know it must be hard .... But ... You have to stay strong I'm sure if you ignore him long enough he'll just go away ... " Her ears remained down.

Discord sighed " I'm not so sure about that ... Like I said I think he's up to something I just don't know what ... " His ears were still down.

Fluttershy sighed " maybe he is ... But whatever he's planning we'll still be together ... No matter what .... " She smiled a little.

Discord looked at her " you know what ? Your right whatever happens will be together .... " He smiled a little and kissed her cheek.

Fluttershy blushed a little and smiled and they walked back to Discord dimension together.

And everything seemed fine for now ... 

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