Wedding preparations Pt1

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A couple days later Fluttershy and Discord were in bed snuggling with each other. The sun shining through the window over the couple's face it woke the sleepy Pegasus up Fluttershy yawned and sat up stretching and she looked out the window and Smiled still a little sleepy. She looked over and noticed discord and kissed his forehead before getting out of bed and trotting downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast. She grabbed a box of oatmeal and honey and cream and a pot to cook with. A couple minutes later she was at the table eating her oatmeal with a glass of milk and an Apple. A little while later she was done eating she left a note for her beloved before leaving discord's dimension to Canterlot. A little while later discord woke up yawing and stretching he Looked over only to see Fluttershy wasn't there " Huh ? Strange ... " He got up and walked downstairs. there was a warm bowl of oatmeal a glass of milk and an apple for him as well he smiled and grabbed his food but as he was about to sit down he noticed something a letter from Fluttershy. He picked it up and began reading "sorry I wasn't here snuggling with you this morning when you woke up had to leave to get thing's ready for our special day , don't forget to talk to rainbow dash and pinkie and Applejack for the cake and catering and entertainment I love you so much I'll see you at home
Love Fluttershy~ " Discord smiled a bit before finishing his breakfast and teleporting out of the house. Pinkie pie was at the counter rather bored waiting for another customer to come in at sugarcube corner. When she saw Discord poof in " Hello ! " He exclaimed. Pinkie pie gasped
" Finally ! We get another customer! " Discord tilted his head rather confused. " Uh ? ... " Pinkie pie sighed
"sorry today's been Soo slow and boring anyway what can I help you with Discord ? " She smiled. Discord smiled back " Well I stopped by too order a wedding cake for mine and Fluttershys special day "
pinkie pie nodded before handed him a book of all the wedding cake designs. Discord grabbed it and started flipping through it before noticing one " Perfect ! " He smiled and showed her the picture " This one but instead of a white roses Fluttershy would love a red one " pinkie pie nodded and smiled.
"you got it !"

Discord smiled " What flavor shall it be ? " Pinkie pie asked

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Discord smiled " What flavor shall it be ? " Pinkie pie asked. " if you wouldn't mind making the top part Angle strawberry shortcake and the bottom chocolate ? Those are mine and Fluttershy's favorite " pinkie pie wrote down the orders and nodded
"Perfect and it should be ready and delivered to Canterlot for your wedding day !" Discord nodded
"Thanks pinkie " pinkie pie nodded before Discord teloported off to find Applejack. Applejack was at home doing her chores when Discord popped right behind her " Howdy cowgirl ! " Applejack Gasped startled and accidentally knocking over a barrel of apples. She looked over at Discord and glared his ears fell and he chuckled nervously " Heh Sorry about that let me help you " he Snapped his fingers making the barrel of apples go back to the way they were. Applejack sighed in relief " Thanks now what do you want ? " He handed her a list of the foods and beverages for the wedding . Applejack looked over it then up a him and nodded. " got it will have that ready for the wedding " Discord Smiled before teloporting off to find rainbow dash. Rainbow dash was in ponyville busting at some cloud's when she'd hear a familiar voice " Well , well , well If it isn't Dashie " she turned around only to see Discord smirking. Rainbow dash groand and rolled her eyes " What now Discord ? " She clearly still has a little grudge against him. He smiled
" Well if you'd like to know Fluttershy and me were wondering if you could handle the entertainment for the wedding ? And maybe do your Sonic Rainboom trick and have the Wonderblot's stop by for a show since you are there new Captain ? " Rainbow dash raised a brow. " How did yo-" He interrupted her.
"Fluttershy told me " Rainbow dash rolled her Eye's again " Ah " he nodded. " so can you ? " Rainbow dash sighed " Fine only because Fluttershy is my best friend " Discord Smiled " Excellent ! " He proofed off again. She smiled a bit and continued doing her work.

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