Chapter 18

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(A/N: Socratic seminar tomorrow that can bring my grade down to an F, but I'm just going to waste time by writing this. Ironic that the socratic seminar is for an english class. I love writing stories, but never once liked my english classes ^^;)

Sora's POV

"Sora, Sora, Sora! Did you hear about the upcoming festival?" Kairi kept shaking my shoulders uncontrollably.

"Kairi... Class is going to start in five minutes, you know?" I said.

"Yeah, but this is important! We have to go together with Riku. How can we miss an event like this?" Kairi said.

The teacher walked by Kairi and wacked his papers on her.

"Ouch! What was that for??" Kairi asked.

"Get to your seat, class is starting."



"Riku, Riku, Riku! We have to go festival. This might never happen ever again," Kairi said.

"...She's been like this ever since I walked inside the classroom doors," I said as I sighed.

"C'mon Riku, let's go to the festival," Kairi said.

"Fine, we'll go. Just get your hands off my sweater," Riku said.

"Yay! I can't wait," Kairi said said as she jumped in excitement.

"Why do you want to go so badly though?" I asked.

"Don't you know those typical shoujo manga scenes where the boy and the girl sits next to each other and watch the fireworks together," Kairi said.

"Uh... never heard of it," I said.

"Allow me to tell you then! Then the girl holds the boys arm so they won't get lost in the crowds. At the very end of the festival, they sit shoulder to shoulder next to each other and have this romantic scene beneath the fireworks!" Kairi explained with great passion.


Riku and I stayed silent not knowing what to say.

"That's not all! Then one of them will confess their feelings during this romantic moment and one last firework will go up after the confession scene is made!"

"I see... is there someone you want to do that with?" Riku asked.

"Of course not, silly. I'm talking about you two~" Kairi winks at me.

"Riku and I??" I yelled.

"I mean, who else is there?" Kairi asked.

"Seifer and you," I laughed.

Kairi gagged when I said that.

"Seifer is a prick, I don't want to be near him. Don't make that joke again," Kairi said.

"If Kairi were to be in love with anything, it'd be her collection of BL," Riku said.

"What exactly is BL?" I asked. "I know it stands for Boy's Love, but what is it generally?"

"Eheheheh, you have asked the right person! Come along, young child," Kairi said as she picked me up by my legs and ran.

"Where are we going??" I yelled.

"To my house!"

"What about Riku?? You just left him there. And put me down!" I yelled.

"It's okay, Riku will forgive me I think~ Plus he has to study for his test tomorrow," Kairi said.

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