Chapter 21

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Sora's POV

I wasn't able to fall asleep last night. It's all Riku's fault. It's like he's asking me to confess to him!

Stupid Riku.

...I'm determined to confess to Riku today.

When I walked into my classroom, I could feel people's stares. I ran to Kairi.

"Everyone's looking at me weirdly... Let me guess, it's the bags under my eyes and my bed hair," I asked.

"Yup, you look like a monster, today." Kairi nodded.

"Saying monster is going a little too far, right?" I asked.

"No, it's perfect to describe the way you look right now."

Before I had time to retort back, a loud stomp interupted our conversation.

"Alright, chop chop everyone. Get back to your seat, class is starting," the teacher said.

Timeskip~ (because writing about what they did in class is boring)

"Class dismissed!"

Everyone rushed out the classroom door.

Kairi and I walked outside and began going towards Riku's classroom.

"Kairi... I want to confess to Riku," I said.

"Really!?" All I could see was the sparkles in her eyes.

"B-But he didn't get the message last time, so how do I do this?" I asked.

"You mean the whole ketchup and blackmail note you left in his locker last time?" she asked.

"I thought he would like it....," I said.

Kairi shook her head.

"Here, you only need to do two things.  One, find Riku. Two, say something like,'I like you' okay?" Kairi said.

"That's a little hard for me..."

Kairi sighed.

Riku came out his classroom and we all just walked around the school campus.

"Kairi is in a happy mood, did you tell her something?" Riku asked.


Riku seemed suspicious but stayed silent.

"You know, why we always have nothing to do?" Kairi asked. "It's because we're not in any clubs!"

"Clubs are a waste of time," Riku said.

"All the clubs here don't interest me," I said.

"Let's make our own then!" Kairi said.


"Uhh, you're on your own, Kairi. C'mon let's go, Riku."

Riku nodded.

"Oh c'mon guys....," Kairi said.

"No thanks."

Riku was already walking towards the exit leaving Kairi and I behind hinting that he didn't want anything to do with this clubhow . I ran towards Riku to walk beside him. Kairi ran towards us to eventually. Kairi was definitely upset that we didn't want to make a club with her. 

"You know Kairi... If you want to make a club, you can. Just don't expect Riku and I to join it." 

B-But.. no one else would join an occult club in the school. I asked already," Kairi puffed her cheeks with a disappointed look on her face. 

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