(This is a Sequel To Unfolding Fate)
After the Fall Of Beacon, Shadow with some of his friends create the Phantom Thieves Of Hearts to help those in need and to fight Grimm. Yet deep down, Shadow wishes to not only end the Grimm hoards, but to reuni...
Seagulls call as a boat moves over peaceful blue waters. A pan of the boat from bow to stern reveals...Passengers strolling across both the upper and mid decks.
Blake Belladonna rests her hands on the rail and stares out at the ocean. She blinks and looks over her right shoulder, somewhat startled. Two kids laugh over a joke. Blake almost smiles and turns to look back at the ocean. Footsteps soon follow from behind her.
Captain: Traveling alone?
Blake jumps and grips the hilt of her weapon. She halts her action when she sees the captain of the boat.
Captain: *holding up his hands in a reassuring manner* Now, now, no threat here. Just here to chat.
Blake hesitates before relaxing her posture with a roll of her eyes.
Blake: And why is that?
The Captain lowers his arms and then twists to lean idly onto the rail.
Captain: Well, not many people travel by boat on their own. It can be quite a lonely voyage. But I found those that do tend to have the more...interesting stories.
Blake turns away from the Captain.
Blake: Maybe it's just... better for some people to be alone.
The two kids run behind Blake laughing and she gasps again, not expecting the noise behind her. She turns and blinks at them trying to reset her calm.
Captain: *laughing* Maybe, but with your paranoia, I think a few friendly faces wouldn't hurt.
Blake: Who says I'm paranoid?!
Captain: *laughing again* No one, dear, no one. I'll leave you be.
The Captain turns and walks away, then stops.
Captain: But uh, fair warning: these trips can be awfully boring.
The Captain continues on his way and Blake stares after him. Once he's gone, she turns and looks at the ground for a few seconds before reaching up and undoing her bow.
Blake: Mmm.
She holds the ribbon out over the railing.
Blake: Won't be needing this.
Blake lets go and watches the ribbon swirl in the air once before landing on the water. She turns and walks away. As she passes inside, a hooded figure is shown to be watching her from a distance. Beside the ribbon on the ocean, the large scales of a sea creature are seen moving just above the surface. After they pass, the ribbon is gone.
The scene changes to brown boots on a trial, walking as if to no destination. The figure puts their hands in their pockets before it's soon revealed to be Emerald. Wearing a white coat to hide her weapons. Her face is showing one of revenge and murder, as she knows what's she's been through. Cinder, Adam, Mercury, Roman, Neo, and all the White Fang members, who she once viewed as friends, now were enemies for her betrayal.
Emerald: *as if she's talking to someone* So...where to next?
Behind her is Fox, katana in hand as he cleans it of blood from Grimm. He looks up to Emerald with a emotionless face, as if she already knows the answer.
Fox: You should already know Emerald...
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