Chapter 4, Episode 5: Back Home

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The Night Sky's star's glimmer as the camera pans to the city of Menagerie. 4 Faunus's sneak through the ally ways as they make their way to the back of a store.

Dog Faunus: This is the place...let's get this job done.

Mouse Faunus: Yeah man, we can't stay out here too long.

They all nod as they walk up to a locked door. A keypad stood between them and their objective as one of them breaks the keypad and begins messing with the wires to hack it. Unknowingly, a figure leaps onto a rooftop and pulls out a sniper rifle. They aim at one of the Faunus's, but they don't fire immediately.

Fish Faunus: Dude come on, we don't have time for this!

Lion Faunus: Well I need time to hack ok? So can you-

The Faunus is interrupted by the sound of gunfire as they all are hit. They seem shocked when the check themselves and see orange ink is covering all of them

Mouse Faunus: Ink?

Dog Faunus: A squid Faunus is trying to stop us.

All the Faunus's pull out daggers as the look around, as the sniper jumps down silently.

Fish Faunus: We know your here, so show yourself!

Lion Faunus: We're not afraid to kill you!

A grappling hook comes out of the darkness and grabs the Lion Faunus, as he's dragged back into the darkness. They all watch as they hear the sounds of their comrade being beat up before it stops. They inch closer as the figure leaps into the air and drops bombs that also cover them in ink. The figure lands and punches the Dog Faunus in the face, rendering him dazed as the Fish Faunus attacks the figure, they dodge it, unarmed them by uppercutting their arm, breaking it, then stabbing them in the eye before knocking them out with a swift Axe kick.

Mouse Faunus: are you?

Dog Faunus: Your no normal fanus aren't you?

The figure pulls out a katana covered in ink, the blade slightly glows before they respond.

The figure pulls out a katana covered in ink, the blade slightly glows before they respond

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Figure: Call me what ever you want, but I'm more than you think I am.

The Figure throws a single bomb between them two, exploding as the Mouse Faunus is knocked out and the Dog Faunus is knocked into a wall. He attempts to stand before being pinned to the wall by the blade, to which the figure moves their head closer.

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