Changes from Chapter 4 to Chapter 5

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Character Wise:

Now wears a blue bracelet around his wrist, in memory of his uncle.

Now wields the Buster Sword

Now wields the Buster Sword

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Reverts back to original outifit:

Wears Cloud's Necklace as a memento of him

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Wears Cloud's Necklace as a memento of him


Back to the old outfit. I just like this more:

New! Yuskue Showtime! (Rinoa is Ann)

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New! Yuskue Showtime! (Rinoa is Ann)

Velvet and Coco: Returned Home, Thus are no longer a part of the story. I wanted to keep them in but there was too many characters to juggle with, so I had to remove them.

That's about the changes for now but I do wish for those during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic to remain safe and healthy. I know of all the panic and concern about their, but we must remain strong through these troubling times. I'll be here to share my stories for others and show my gratitude and concern for others. Stay safe and healthy!

AarenAero, signing out!

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