Chapter 7, Episode 7.25: Into the Metaverse

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(This plays for the entire episode)

The camera pans down the White Castle as Phantom Thieves look at the palace before them. The sky seems deep red with small distortions around them. The team is in their Phantom Thief outfits except Weiss, CD, and Double A as Shadow turns to the group.

Shadow: This is the metaverse. A world made by the collective unconscious of humanity. These locations of high distortions are called palaces, a place where the distorted desires of people with strong wills are held.

Futaba: No kidding...and this is the distortion of Jaques?

Yuskue: It sure seems like it.

The group looks around it seemingly in awe before Ann notices Akechi with a Black outfit with a tattered cape. His Black Mask covers most of his face except the front which opens up to show his mouth, along with red glass where his eyes are.

Ann: Akechi...what's with your outfit?

Akechi: Shit...I was hoping to hold onto that secret for a little while...

Akechi turns to the group as they all look at him with confusion, except for CD, Double A, and Shadow.

Akechi: I...was originally an enemy to mankind. A servant of Salem. I was created by Grimmora along with an evil form of Shadow. But with Shadow's help, I turned against my creator and helped in destroying Grimmora once and for all.

Ryuji: were created by Salem?! *prepares weapon* How do we know that you're still working for her?!

Akechi: *raises red blade* Keep speaking such insolence and I will make your last moments your most painful.

Weiss: Ok, look. He may have been on the opposite side at one point, but he's on our side now.

Yuskue: Weiss is right. Plus we need to focus on our main objective, finding evidence against Jaques.

AarenAero: So let's stop chit chatting and get going.

Futaba: *as she looks through holographic screens* It doesn't appear that I can help in battles much, but I can offer support and buffs here.

Makoto: It seems we're limited to our persona's for fights?

Haru: It sure seems like it.

ChaoticDementio: We should avoid as many fights as we can to not draw suspicion that someone's here. If a fight is necessary, we should do so quietly.

Shadow: Agreed...*spins one of his drill blades in his hand* Showtime.

The group nods as the begin to head towards the castle in front of them. They hop over the gate to see they're in a Rose Garden. Statues of Jaques are seen at both ends.

Ryuji: Wow, I knew this guy felt entitled, but this is rediculous!

Weiss: I would say that's how my father is, but I refuse to associate myself with that control freak at all.

Ann: I feel you there. We had a gym teacher who...was very rude. *shudders in memories*

Shadow: What happened?

Mona: Trust us, you don't wanna know.

CD only shakes his head before they hear the sound of metal clanking.

AarenAero: Get down!

The group crouch down behind the bushes as a knight with white armor, bearing the Schnee emblem on its chest walks by the bushes. It scans the area before walking away.

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