Chapter 6, Episode 3.5: A Tale of Brothers and Paladins

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Side note, Jinn is telling this whole story, I'm just going into narrator mode for this.

AarenAero: This world...what happened to it?

Aaren stood with his pet seeing parts of the moon above falling to the ground. The young boy was confused to what caused the God of Light, who seemed to be his father, disappear with the God of Darkness. He sees Salem, who's scream of agony and hatred made the boy question of it was her doing.

Salem: Why...Why must I bear this curse?

She looks up at the tree, only to temporarily see Aaren before he vanishes in a split-second. Aaren then appears in a town, now completely deserted due to the destruction of mankind.

Aaren: Only the God of Darkness could do this...but why? So many questions, and no answers for them.

Aaren's pet leaps up to his shoulder and only nods. Aaren moves forward, investigating the towns as the scene changes to the pool of darkness and the marble throne. The second boy, ChaoticDementio, clenches his hand before he spins his blade and sheathes it.

CD: Well, some idiot human must have caused this mess. *chuckle* Oh how I would've loved to seen who did this and caused humanity to be wiped from existence.

CD as well teleports away from the throne to a town nearby, not a single human to be seen. Though he didn't seemed confused as to why they were gone, he simply accepted it.

As the years past, humanity and Faunus was brought back, but very slowly. As their numbers grew, so did the presence of Grimm, due to Salem falling into the Pool of Darkness and now controlling Grimm. The humans no longer wielded magic naturally, as the only form of it was through dust. Aaren and CD kept their identities a secret, as to not draw in unnecessary attention. Though nobody seemed to know how to fight or defend themselves from the Grimm. The two had to fight for the humans, but they had to hold back as much as they could as to not risk their powers being chased for.

Shadow: So the question are they brothers?

Jinn: They originally we're not brothers.

Rinoa: What? I mean, it makes sense but why would they be brothers?

Emerald: And how does this relate to Shadow's past?

Jinn: I'll tell you.

Blue smoke surround them till they arrive in a small camp, filled with people wielding massive swords, daggers, all sorts of weapons, though they seem to be preparing for war.

Jinn: During the Great War, a civil war was happening between two factions. The Strife's and the Atlas army.

Rinoa: What?! There was an entire tribe before us?

Jinn: While the Strife's were clearly outmatched in terms of weapons and army size, they had someone who could wipe army's with a single slice of his blade, this...was Cecil Strife.

The camera pans to a small wooden hut where multiple male and female warriors stand as a paladin is seen leading a group and formulating a plan. Shadow's group looks around before Yuskue see's a familiar male and female together.

Yuskue: Shadow...isn't that-

Shadow: That's Cloud! But...who's the woman?

Rinoa: Wow...they're quite young.

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