(Chapter 8) Before We Begin....

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Ok, so before I get started writing the final Chapter of Fate's of the Trade, this chapter is for the canonicity of this story and to answer a pretty large question.

First off, the final chapter is going to have a co-writer to help me Finish this story. *reaches over and grabs ChaoticDementio* You may have known him from the story and his help with some of the episode from the previous Chapter.

ChaoticDementio: And now, I'm going to help drive the story even further!

So don't be to surprised if the story-telling style seems a little different. We're working on this together, and we've done multiple AU's in our own time, and some are really good.

So first things first, let's address the elephant in the room. "Is there going to be a third book of the Fate's story?"

Short Answer: Yes
Long Answer: It depends on Chapter 8.

Let me explain. I feel really proud of the story and where I plan to take it. However, there are things that could be added on, such as, "What happens to the group in RWBY'S Volume 8?" And, "What happens over the course of when Shadow's gone and the War begins?"

So after taking some time to think about this I decided that the third book will depend on how I feel after the end of the Story.

So if I feel somewhat unsatisfied and feel like I can add more, the Third Book, Shattering Fates, will be made.

However, if I feel satisfied with the story, the third book is going to be more of a... remaster of the first Book in a sense. (More on that later.)

I will say though, if I don't make Shattering Fates, and someone wants to make that book, by all means, I will allow it, I just wish that the rights of the story go to me, and that I'm made aware of the story. I would like to see what you do.

Now then, what is canon to the story? Let's get that out of the way.

1: Penny does indeed become human, and she doesn't die, thus meaning she still retains her Winter Maiden powers. So enjoy as much Penny goodness as I can provide, since juggling characters isn't easy.

2: The relics. The group has gone to the other kingdoms, and managed to find the crown and have the Staff of Creation and the Lamp of Knowledge. However, the Sword of Destruction is in Salem's Hand's.

3: Some Characters that are now back/no longer in the story:
Velvet is back, but not Coco. Velvet wanted to come back to fighting with Shadow's group, and Coco supported her action.

Ace Ops: Well...their dead. All of them. Vine dies in the same way he does in the show. Harriet's anger for Ruby's betrayal get's the better of her, and she pays for it with her life. Clover dies protecting Qrow from an attack. Marrow goes out protecting the innocent against a huge hoard of Grimm, and Elm, the last one standing, couldn't take the guilt anymore, and took her own life, much to CD's efforts to help them.

ChaoticDementio: "They could've been good people, but they still followed Ironwood's orders, even to their death."

Ironwood: He's dead as well. After hearing that RWBY "died", and after losing to Cinder, he finally breaks through his Semblance's effects, realizing all he's done wrong, and in an effort to correct things, takes his own life, right in front of CD.

Watts and Hazel: They die the same way as in the show.

So with that, I believe that's everything that we have decided to be cannon for the story. If I have missed anything, CD will make sure to add on to it, but until next time-

AarenAero, Signing Out!

ChaoticDementio, Retuning to the Shadow's.

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