Chapter 4, Episode 4: What matters most...

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The scene opens with Oscar Pines as he carries a pitchfork into the barn, which has loose bits of hay strung about the floor. He passes a sink with a mirror behind it, and something makes him pause and take a closer look. He sees his own reflection and lifts a lock of his hair, as if expecting something different. He leans forward and examines the mirror more closely.

Oscar: Hello?

Just as Oscar is about to back away, a voice booms out, sending him crashing backward.

Ozpin?: Hello! I'm Professor Ozpin!

Oscar looks up at the sink and mirror from the floor of the barn, breathing heavily. From outside the barn, a woman's voice calls out.

Oscar's Aunt: Oscar? You be careful with those tools!

Oscar:'s fine Aunt. *stands as he looks into the mirror* What was that about?

Oscar walks off as the scene soon changes to some sort of nightmare. Yang, confused where she is, looks All around her. Broken pieces of buildings and darkness. She looks around, confused, and lets out a small gasp when she looks down. She raises both of her arms and turns them, examining their presence, particularly her right arm. Though she seem to not be the only one in this nightmare, as Faith as well stands around the broken and shattered buildings. Faith looks around, observing the area before looking down. His arm has recovered, now looking more human before the accident. Yang looks up from her arms to see Adam Taurus walking toward her. The red accents in his hair, mask and outfit have a surreal glow. Yang steps back defensively and discovers that she is suddenly wearing Ember Cilicia. She blasts Adam five times, but they do nothing to him while he steadily continues walking closer. Faith soon hears the shotgun blasts and runs towards them, seeing Yang and Adam as Adam puts his right hand on the handle of his sheathed sword. Yang tries to attack him again, but her weapon is gone, as is her right arm. She stares for a moment in confusion and disbelief and then startles when Adam is abruptly directly before her. He grins at her and starts to unsheath Wilt from Blush to strike down Yang.

Faith: No!

Adam turns as Faith runs forward and slashes at Adam, yet it vanishes into mist as he misses his attack. Yang is now more confused as Faith turns to her.

Yang: that you?

Faith: *turns to Yang* Yes. It appears we are having the same nightmare, but this can't be coincidence.

Faith takes a few steps forward as he see's Yang's missing arm. He slightly frowns as he turns to her.

Faith: So, how's Ruby going and are you?

Yang: I'm...fine. Ruby's gone out to try and be the Huntress she's wanted to be. I've lost my motivation after losing my arm, so I stayed home.

Faith: *frowns* I see...but that doesn't seem right. It's not the Yang I know.

Yang raises an eyebrow in confusion.

Faith: I always see you as the type to get back up after a big defeat, not one to give up when someone, or something, is lost.

Faith extends his mechanical hand towards Yang as she steps back.

Faith: So make me a promise, for you and me. Adjust to your mechanical arm that Ironwood made you, find Ruby Rose, and be there for her. Your someone that Ruby will miss of you don't strive to fight for others, and she is always willing to keep you close. Give yourself a reason to become a huntress.

Yang slightly smiles as she extends her hand to Faith's, slightly shaking hands as she make her promise.

Yang: I'll make sure to do that Faith...thanks.

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