Chapter I

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I woke up to my alarm clock blasting how to be a heartbreaker by marina and the diamonds. I rolled off my bed trying to stop the alarm off but ended up on the ground. A shower...that's what I need. After a cold shower I finally got changed into the boring school uniform. A khaki colored skirt, with a white button up collared shirt. I rolled up my sleeves and slipped on some white thigh high soaks with some boat shoes. I let my long blond hair down naturally which was this weird state between wavy and straight. But I wasn't about to do my hair for school. I did the bare minimum for my makeup before I made my way out to my brother room.

"Hey kid, wake up" I said ruffling his golden curls. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. My brother was 11 and in middle school. I told him to get ready as I went downstairs to make breakfast. It's my last year, and I can't wait to get out of here. I'm not a loner but I'm not miss popular prom queen. It's kind of me and my friends. I've played on the volley ball team but it's not like I'm the captain or anything. I've always been on top with my grades but it's not like I'm valedictorian. I was just there, trying my best to get through high school. Just like the rest of us. After I chewed down my waffles I dropped my brother off at his school before going to mine.

I walked there the halls and found my best friend Juliet. I smiled as I saw my best friend since diapers walking towards me. She was pretty tall around 5'8 or something, she was lean and skinny. Juliet was built for volleyball. She had slight freckles on her nose and cheek. Her dark hair was cuts really shorts at messy. She has big blue green eyes and a jawline that most would kill for.

"Hey chicka" she said as we walked together in the hall.

"How's Zach?" I asked her, Zach is her boyfriend, like a freshman year, but they've known eachother for years before. Zach was the tall dark and handsome kind perfect for Juliet.

"AMAZING!" she sang as I laughed at her. They were so cute together. They were the type of relationship that everyone wants. It's like a close friendship with you know the romance mixed in there somewhere.

"What about you? Are you going to get a boyfriend anytime soon?" she asked. She always wanted me to get a boyfriend so we could go on double dates and not to be a third wheel. She didn't like that I was alone. But I'm fine. High school relationships never seem to work. Plus there's other things to focus then the drama that comes with a relationship.

"I would but then I think I'd rather not" I said rolling my eyes. High school guys were way too immature and I don't want to waste my time on a horny teenage boy. Relationship have only two outcomes. Either you get married or you break up.

"What about your friend Dylan?" she asked which made me laugh way harder than I should have.

"Dylan? Dylan Mills? No Juliet he's just like barely a friend" I told her then the bell ran.

"Got to get to class chicka" I told her walking the opposite ways. I pushed my way through the people. Sometimes I hate not being taller so I could just simple walk and everyone would get out my way. I finally made it to math and sat down in the back of the room. The bell rang and some others rushed in while the teacher got up and started passing back the tests.

"I am so disappointed in most of you, I know it's almost the end of the year but you still have to do work" she placed the test on my desk which was a perfect 100/100. I placed it in my binder, math was always easy for me, it was almost natural for me. After a boring class the bell finally rang. I got my things about to leave but the teacher called my name stopping me from making my escape.

"Forest, stay back please" I turned around and saw Jedi smirking at me. I have known him since freshman year. He's always been a jock, played football, ran track and everything else. Who has the time for so many sports. Plus what kind of name is Jedi? I guess his parents must be huge on the whole star wars thing. Well I am a fan but I wouldn't name my child Jedi, it would be more like Anakin or Luke even. I'm not gonna lie he was pretty hot with his brown "messy I don't care" hair and dark brown eyes to match. He had a perfect smile and was really tall. He was buff but not too buff and had the most amazing jaw line ever. But he's still a prick so all that went to waste.

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