Chapter 40: Are you not blushing?

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Zhan YiFei didn't know if Lin Yu Tong would be happy with a long comment today, but hethinks that if other people can do what he can, then he is still doing his job.A job that he never thought about - writing a love letter.
He hasnever written this thing since he was young, but this time he suddenly decided towrite a love letter, because everyone can write this long comment, but a love letteris different. He decided to write a "love letter" that both expresseshis feelings and expresses his appreciation of Lin Yu Tong's work.
When hestarted thinking about the penning of the letter it was time to go to sleep andLin Yu Tong wanted for both of them to sleep early at night. Zhan Yi Fei used someexcuses that he was going to solve some work problems and secretly wrote the letterin the study. When he had written about two thousand words, Zhan Yi Fei finallystopped. However, he thought that he cannot send it directly to the Internet becausethen Drunken In The Forest will be found out, he decided to wait patiently, so asnot to be found out by Lin Yu Tong.
When ChengShi found out about what Zhan Yi Fei was doing he laughed like it was a big joke.In the end Zhan Yi Fei could only tell the truth - that is Lin Yu Tong still doesn'tknow that he is "Drunk in the Forest."
Cheng Shishook his head and said. "To be honest, the name "Drunk in the Forest"is actually quite evil."
When he first helped him to apply for an accountusername, it was done with haste.
Zhan YiFei thought of his own thoughts, and his heart was a little embarrassed. In fact,he initially thought of "Drunk in The Forest Shoulders", but then somehowhe felt that "Drunk in the Forest" is better, he used this until now.
1]....San Chai Boy means Fire Forest Boy so when Yi Fei means Drunk in the Forest it literallymeans he is drunk on Lin Yu Tong
"Ihope you won't be discovered. Otherwise, if Lin Zi finds out that you are the localreader who is sad and rewarded him and when you were happy still rewarded. He willdefinitely put you in the no sex corner, I am serious." Cheng Shi was smilingas he said this, he was curious when he thought of such a scene. He has known LinYu Tong for a while, and he dare not say too much about him, but his personalityis basically understandable. His way of doing things with his own lover is his ownand he won't let outsiders take advantage of him.
Duringthis time, Cheng Shi and Xiang Jun also stayed in Zhan Yi Fei villa. For one thingit was spacious, the place was enough to accommodate them. The two people stayedclose to work and had many conveniences. Thirdly, Xiang Jun could control the safetymeasures of the house when he was living in it, so the original opportunity to contactLin Yu Tong was not particularly large, and now both people have become more amicable.
Lin YuTong recently noticed that Xiang Jun's changed attitude towards him was very differentfrom that when he first saw him. If he was once strangely alert, then he is nowcompletely trusting and relaxed around him, he was even a little admired by XiangJun, and he guessed that the latter was probably related to Xiang Jun reading hisnovel.
"I will drive you back later, when I'm readyand I have finished checking things." Xiang Jun said that as he went downstairs,probably to the garage.
Lin Yu Tong had already packed up the things thatto be brought on the road early, so it took him five minutes to sit in the off-roadvehicle before he waved Zhan Yi Fei off. After going back to school this time, hewill have to go back to his home to stay with his parents for at least one night,so he will not come back the day after Zhan Yi Fei left. Zhan Yi Fei stuck by himfor a while before going to the company in the morning. When he received the call,he still didn't feel relieved. All kinds of worries came out, so he wanted to drivewith him.
Now LinYu Tong can say few words to Xiang Jun, he even included his views on his work.Although Xiang Jun doesn't like to talk, but when it comes to things of interest,he is not so embarrassed or quiet.
"Yesterday'supdate just happened to be a cliffhanger. You are not planning to write any moretoday?" Xiang Jun asked Lin Yu Tong.
"Idon't plan to do that. I have to go back to the city today." Zhan Yi Fei broughtback the internship proof certificate that he had given him when he came back fromwork last night. Lin Yu Tong wants to take this thing to the school to report itbecause internship was a required part of the course, so there is no important thingafter that.
"Youdon't have to go back to school now but when you go please remember to call me."Zhan Yi Fei finally emphasized.
"Don'tworry, you can't forget it. Don't sleep too late." Lin Yu Tong said two wordsbefore hanging up.
"Ithink Yi Fei can't wait to take you in his pocket," Xiang Jun said while driving."Yeah, he is still sticking to you like Da Kuan today." Lin Yu Tong pattedDa Kuan's head, and there was a sense on a smile in his eyes that couldn't be concealed."Brother Xiang, I heard from Yi Fei who said that you are better bodyguardthan Gao Wen Liang, is it true?"
"Everyonehas their own strengths. He has a strong latent ability and a close combat strengthcompare but in terms of gun fight my technique is better than his."
"Can you tell me how you both know who isbetter?"
Xiang Jun felt that if he says no it will appeartoo rude so he said: "It's too long to explain."
"..."Lin Yu Tong watched Xiang Jun silently for a while. "You really are not much ofa talker?"
How long can you grow this silent all your life?Man you won't die if you say more than two sentences!
"Youcan ask it again, I don't know when or if Gao Wen Liang will come back. Da Kuanseems to be a little thin. I don't know if I want Gao Wen Liang to worry about it.Da Kuan doesn't really like anything a normal dog does. If he smell the scent ofthe food he will take it and go smash on the side. It is useless to take him a bath.It is useless to give him a toy, but there is no problem in checking his mouth."

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