𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐢 ; part viii. early.

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Winds of sorrowful mornings are scalding, even to the form that hasn't been torn apart by the bleeding flesh –a rattled spirit

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Winds of sorrowful mornings are scalding, even to the form that hasn't been torn apart by the bleeding flesh –a rattled spirit. The boy-sun that had left his sheets empty & cold stumbles with each and every step –it hurts, enormously so. But persistence gnaws at his very core and he refuses to stop.

Kamado Tanjirō wasn't able to sleep properly ever since then.

Hazy disposition is barely kept awake by the creaks of a crow. A crow that is left companionless ; its owner no longer more than a memory of a man with a passion-brimming heart and an unyielding spirit, never to be broken.

The youth wonders if the bird feels sorrow, as well.

In the distance, stands a figure –walking with steady steps. They're headed in the same direction, he assumed.

Crimson hues widen with realization right after.

It's them.

Mouth eases into a circular shape –he considers, carefully, if he should approach the pillar. His steps cease completely.

'(L/n)-san?' Tanjirō seeps out, uncertain and shaky. His throat still hurts.

There's a prolonged moment of dreadful silence, before the other turns around–but they don't face him. Their eyes drift along the pebbles lining the road ; restless, yet so tired. The boy finds himself speechless.

The Storm pillar feels like a completely different person.

He didn't know them for long, he's aware. However, (L/n) (Y/n) always carried themself with the particular stone-cold pride. Silent and intimidating ; rough and yet fierce –grasped by overwhelming passion and anger.

But now, they're almost anything but.

He shamefully admits that he had seen other as someone inhumane ; someone who lingers above all else –untouchable in all their glory. Unwavering. Oh, but the darkened rings underneath stormy eyes prove otherwise. Blooming guilt bites at his consciousness.

No one said anything.

'Good morning, Kamado.' (Y/n) finally speaks. Their voice is fleeting, silent.

'Oh!' The boy in question startles. 'Good morning, (L/n)-san. Wh-'

'Why aren't you resting.' Their tone is much stricter. It demands a quick answer.

'Well, you see-'

'You haven't recovered completely from your previous mission.'


'Kochō-san told me you were training while being severely injured.'


'I ... used to do that, too.' They begin, surprisingly. There is foreign softness in both their voice and visage. 'I'd train until my wounds opened up again. And then, Rengoku-san would ...'

It's a mere flicker, but it's there. An aura of heartbreaking sadness.

In that moment, Tanjirō finally understands.

'(L/n)-san ...' He begins delicately. 'Were you and Rengoku-san close?'


The (h/c) haired pillar wouldn't provide a reply, it seemed. And yet, the demon hunter continues.

'He...left a message for you. Right before he-' Hesitance. His eyes feel watery. 'He wanted to-'

'Stop. Please.'

Tanjirō immediately shuts his mouth.

He can hear his companion sigh.


'It's okay!' He offers a smile. 'It must be very hard for you.'

He might have imagined it, but it seemed like a phantom of a smile decorated the pillar's face as well. Nonetheless, they plunge into silence once again.

That is, until an impatient crow creaks.

They duo finally realizes that they've been standing in the middle of the road for around fifteen minutes.

'Ah, sorry!' Tanjirō proceeded to apologize to the animal, before turning towards (L/n). 'I have to go now-'

'I'll be going with you. You're headed to Rengoku family's house, correct?'

'Oh- ' Confusion paints itself upon tanned visage. 'That's right!'

'Your condition might make the walk difficult.' They state, simply. 'I suppose I have no choice.'


'Don't say anything.'

The Kamado boy is then lifted off the ground, allowing (Y/n) to carry him on their back and speed off towards their destination. 

to be edited. 

okay so- first, i have to apologize for a late update! school's been killing me, pretty much. another thing is-i'm very sorry if this chapter feels rushed! i haven't been writing in a while so i need to get back into it. it's also super short dskhdj

now, i need yalls opinion ? do you think the reader character is. a good character ? as in, do you feel like their development is too quick/too slow ? in this chapter, i wanted to show some progress in their relationship with tanjiro, since he's pretty much the warmest and most accepting character in the series. any opinions would be very appreciated (as long as you're polite)

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