Part One

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It was the worst day for you. School seemed to fall on your back like 10 tonnes. School didn't seem to have any sympathy for you or your problems at home; you were so tempted to drop out and be a stripper, but that was a dumb idea. First you'd have to... y'know age and actually be comfortable with it.

School was really good at making you feel useless.

The internet was your only friend at this point. You liked to blog and talk about how messed up the system could be... and post pictures of animals. It was then you got a comment from someone with the username "Mikey🍕Angelo"

<No way! I like ur blogs. Ur super smart schools just dumb>

It made you feel good about yourself, and it was the only comment you ever really got that wasn't a "lol same" or something resembling that.

So you messaged him.

<You: Hey! Thanks a lot for the comment. It really made my day.>

It was almost 3 seconds later that he replied.

<Him: Really? The fact that i made your day makes my day. Are you having a bad day?>

<You: Yeah... I've been really stressed lately. Everything is just pissing me off and it starts making all of my days bad ones. Im so tired.>

<Him: Don't worry about it! Just take care of yourself. Whats stressing you out?>

<You: School. It makes me feel stupid and I don't really have friends either.>

<Him: Well, now you do! ^-^>

Your heart began racing and a smile spread across your face. Whoever this was, was the most wholesome person you had ever met.

<You: I'm (Y/n). I'm 15 :3 >

<Him: I'm 15 too! My name's actually Michelangelo, but I like being called Mikey. Do you like pizza?>

<You: Hehe yeah ^^>

The conversation went on for hours into the night, as you were slowly starting to fall asleep... but you were so keen on keeping the conversation going. You admitted to him that you were tired, but he suggested that you go to sleep.

<Him: Listen, if you're tired, just go to bed. We can talk tomorrow!>

<You: It's fine, I can stay up. I like talking to you,>

<Him: Really? Thats sweet, but you should sleep. I have to go in a bit anyway, so i need to leave. I promise to message you tomorrow, okay?>

<You: Yeah okay>

You sadly turned your phone off and wrapped the blanket around yourself. Inside of you, there was a warm sweet feeling. Making friends  seemed to lift every spirit you had.


Weeks had passed of constant messaging and talking back and forth, you gave each other your phone numbers and starting talking on the phone; even though talking on the phone was a nightmare most of the time, but with Mikey, it was perfect.

After a while however, you both found yourselves wondering where one another lived. Surprise surprise, you both lived in New York. You felt absolutely crazy for asking, but you asked if he ever wanted to meet up and hang out.

Then suddenly, it felt like he lost interest in you.

You were afraid... maybe he wasn't fifteen at all.

Hell, it might've been a 40 year old man.

<You: Mikey...? Are you there?>

You waited for hours at a time for a response and it wasn't until the next day you got a text back saying,

<Him: I don't think I should show my face. My family's very private. I totally would though, because you seem like a cool chick. Maybe after we become better friends :D>

<You: Yeah, I totally get that! After so long, i thought you were going to ghost me. >

<Him: No way, you're too fun to talk to and I think you're really sweet ^_^>

Your heart fluttered again and a smile stretched on your blushing face. You debated sending a picture of your face to him, but you weren't sure about it.

<You: Do you wanna know what I look like?>

<Him: Sure, if you want to show me, go ahead!>

You had a feeling of comfort in his undecided words, and decided to take a picture of yourself with one of your old stuffed animals, then what felt like selling your soul to the devil, you sent a picture of yourself to Mikey.

<Him: You're really cute ^^ you look really pretty.>

You glanced at the picture and thought you looked like a goblin, but you knew it would be rude if you didn't say thanks.

<You: You really think so? Thank you!>

<Him: Of course I do! I think I'm in love! SOMEONE CATCH ME->

Your face went warm and you smiled so hard, your eyes watered and your face hurt.

<You: Oh sure whatever youre being too sweet, I can't unsee those bags under my eyes and my smile looks so weird >

<Him: I dont think the bags matter. Its just the way you are and i like it. You should like your smile too! Youre not getting another one so you might as well like it and you need it every day and its still pretty >

<You: You have the biggest heart, i swear you're making my heart screech and melt.>

<Him: Mine too... like a lot :P anyway, I really have to go. Talk to you when i get back, okay Angel Cakes? ^^>

<You: Okay, take care Mikey :D>

You put your phone down and you were sure you were going to die from all the heat in your face. Was he actually interested in you? He did the tongue sticking out so was he joking around or did he really mean it?

Maybe you shouldn't have said anything about your heart melting. You couldn't tell if you wanted to go forward with flirting a little or not because you couldn't tell if he was into it.


Well, what's the worst that can happen, just rejection right?

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