Baby Brother

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   As you were being escorted out of the room, two of the turtles' attention were immediately drawn to you. You bit your lip and waved nervously. It felt awkward.

   "Okay dudes, this is (Y/n), my best bud. (Y/n), these are my bros. That one's Leonardo and that one I like to call jerkface, but his name's Raphael. Both answer to Leo or Raph though, which saves your breath,"

   The one in Red, or Raph, growled at Mikey. Leo, who was in blue, began walking over.

   "How are you feeling, (Y/n)?"

   "A lot better, thanks. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wreck your evening. Thanks for not leaving me out there by the way... I faint kind of easily when I forget my meds and I get that overwhelmed. I'm trying to train myself out of it,"

   Leo looked at you and smiled. "Don't worry about it. It would've been irresponsible if we---"

   "Mikey was the one who wanted to bring her home, Fearless Leader." Raph brushed past Leo.

   "Okay yes, but we took care of it. Do you need anything? Water... a ride home... uh... Pizza?"

   "I-I should probably go... well, maybe I'll stay a little longer. I want to catch up with Mikey," you said as you gestured toward the freckled sweetheart.

   "Right on! Come on, I'll show you my room and my comic book collection,"

   Mikey held your hand so confidently and brought you to the other side of the lair where his room was. When you got into the room, the first thing you noticed was that his room was a huge mess and it smelled like pizza. You sat down on a sturdy box and observed what you could.

   "This is my room! Make yourself at home. I just have to show you my action figures!"

   Mikey hopped onto his bed and took a ton of action figures from his shelf, excitedly passing them to you and explaining who they were and which fandom they were from.

   "I'm just so glad that you're here, you know? Like, you're in my room and we're actually hanging out! This is so... 'awesome' doesn't even come close to describing it. I don't have a lot of friends except for my brothers and another human girl, so it's just the best to have another person---"

   "Another person that won't judge you?" You smiled.

   "Exactly! Oh, hold on, my comics are somewhere. I have so many that I put them all in a box so I wouldn't lose--- Oh, there it is,"

   Mikey held your hand to help you stand up, opening the box you were sitting on.

   "When I was little, I thought reading was super boring because all we ever had to read were instruction manuals and stuff, but when my sensei got each of these comics for us for Christmas, it was the only thing I wanted,"

   "And yet you still like reading my dumb blogs?" You asked, taking out a comic book and flipping through it.

   "They're not dumb, you remind me of this cool chick from Revenge of the Swamp Monster!"

   He showed one to you and flipped to a page where there was a woman in a lab coat with a black leather suit underneath with a bunch of weapons.

   "At first in the story, nobody believes in her or trusts her. Everyone undermines her super cool brain because she's a girl, but THEN she predicts the return of the Swamp Monster with a friend she meets that does believe in her, and together they beat the monster and save their hometown! You should totally read it,"

   He closed up the book and handed it to you, making you blush.

   That feeling you kept getting wasn't going away. The tingling in your heart on every beat, the rush to your head, the warmth in your cheeks when Mikey smiled at you with those big eyes.

   "You should totally stay for pizza; I wanna spend as much time with you as I can before you have to go. Do you like pizza?"

   "Is that even a question? Of course I do!"

   Mikey took your hand again and began walking to the kitchen with you. You still really couldn't tell if he liked you or not in the way your heart would react. You didn't want to like him the way you were, but you didn't want to shove it away because you never felt this way before.

   You were also terrified of the thought of ruining the great relationship you already had with him. Were you really going to risk it?

   You had some pizza with his brothers and... honestly, you felt pretty welcome by everyone, except for Raph. He seemed to only give quick half smiles and scoffs whenever you made a joke or said something that made everyone else laugh. At first you didn't really care, but then you really wanted to know what was up and to see if you could fix it.

   That was the first thing you had to do before leaving. So while the others cleaned up the pizza boxes, Raph left the room and you followed.

   "Hey Raphael? H-Hey Raphael, can I talk to you?"

   "Just Raph is fine. What do you want?" He groaned, putting his hands on his hips and looking at you.

   "Well um... I just wanted to check up with you. Am I... annoying you?"

   "Any friend of Mikey's is bound to be annoying in some way, but you're alright. You're wondering why I gave ya the cold shoulder, huh?"

   You nodded. "Did I say something that---"

   "Come here," Raph walked somewhere a little more out of sight and crossed his arms. "You need to tell me now if you actually like Mikey. If you're doing this out of pity, you'd better break it off before you really hurt him. He doesn't do so good with online friends and I am not going to let some girl like you hurt him either. Tell me now, are you actually interested in him?"

   "I... uh..." you stammered and backed up against the wall, unsure how to respond.

   He took the sais from his belt and made a small hole on the wall beside your head with the sai. "He doesn't shut up about you... ever. If I hear one goddamn thing about you breaking his heart, I'll hunt you down. If you're still here just because we brought you down and you think you owe us, just go and cut it off. Mikey doesn't need a fake girlfriend," He retreated his weapons.

   You glanced at the sais in his belt as he walked away. You couldn't move for a solid minute. Slowly, you went back to everyone to say your goodbyes and ask for someone to bring you home so you would be safe. Mikey of course, excitedly volunteered.

   Mikey brought you up through the sewers and helped you climb the rooftop.

   "Alright, where do you live?"

   "I live... that way, by the mall and the antique store. My grandpa owns that store,"

   "That's so cool. Do you live with your grandpa?"

   "No, but whenever I get into a fight or something with my parents, he lets me stay over or even if I feel scared,"

   -Why would she feel scared?- Mikey thought.

   "He sounds like one awesome dude,"

   "He is,"

   Mikey helped you onto your small balcony and sat with you for a bit before leaving. "Man, you're so lucky to live up here. The view is so awesome. Anytime you want, you can just look out. Raph gets grumpy all the time and he goes up on the roofs to kick stuff and be mad,"

   "R-Really?" You bit your lip, a little bit scared of encountering Raph again when he was angry.

   "Yeah, but I skateboard when I need to blow off steam. It's a lot more fun... Hey, you good?"

   "Oh sure I'm fine. It's just been a long day. I should get to bed. See you another time, maybe?"

   "Shell yeah! I'll text you when I can so we can organize a lil hang out, see ya later, angel cakes... I mean, m'lady,"

   He bowed down to you, held your hand and kissed your knuckles like a goofball.

Oh man, you've got it bad.

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