Dealing with Aaron

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   After Mikey made that... well, could you call it a confession? He seemed so open and ready to tell you how he felt, like he couldn't keep himself quiet any more and he needed to tell you. It's like he didn't want anyone else to get the chance to take your feelings away. After that, you felt confident enough to try and face the problem again.

   When you went out into the living room again, you saw Donnie coming out of his lab and waving you over.

   "Hey, (Y/n). Come here. We need to talk to you,"

   Mikey held you hand and you led him into the lab to see what Donnie had to say.

   "April told me about your situation. It's pretty impossible to get the picture away from the internet. It's like a contagious virus. I won't look at the picture unless its necessary, but we can help you get this Aaron to delete the photo. Did you... include your face?"

   "No... but everyone knows it's me,"

   "Wait, what is the photo? You said it was inappropriate, but---" Mikey started.

   "It's not important Mikey. We just need to get Aaron to delete it," April interrupted.

   "He threatened to send it to my parents if I stopped going out with him. What are you going to do?"

   "We send out the mean and the ugly. Observe," Donnie looked at Mikey.

   Mikey inhaled and hollered out, "RAPH COME HERE!"

   You were startled by the sudden yelling and Mikey smiled innocently at you.

   "What's all the yelling about? You better not be calling me to tell me to pull your finger again,"

   "Not this time. Donnie needs some help,"

   "Alright what do you want Donnie?"

   "There's this guy who's uh... bothering (Y/n),"

   "Okay cool story. My turn. Once upon a time I left the lab because Donnie thought I gave a crap; the end,"

   You looked at Raph, remembering that he honestly didn't like you... at all. He was on his way back out of the lab until Mikey stopped him. "Come on bro! Pleeeease. She needs help,"

   Raph gave in to Mikey's puppy eyes (well, who wouldn't?) and came back. "Fine, what is it?"

   "Well Raph, there's this guy who spread these pictures around and all I want you to do is get his phone. I would do it myself but I thought maybe you'd enjoy roughing him up just a bit-"

   "I'm in. Where is he, what does he look like?"

   "Well, I'm going to send (Y/n) out to meet him and then you can get his phone and get him to leave her alone. April told me he doesn't really get intimidated by her or (Y/n),"

   "That makes sense. April's barely a full kunoichi and... well, just looking at (Y/n) explains itself,"

   You pulled out your phone and started texting Aaron, telling him to meet you somewhere; you chose the playground by your house. He replied almost immediately, which... almost scared you. Donnie sent you two up to the surface in a few hours so it would be dark enough for Raphael to go out.

   You waited at the playground, sitting on the swing. You wanted to talk to Raph and settle things; you really didn't want him to hate you. He thought you were playing with Mikey's feelings... it kind of hurt to know that was his only perspective of you.

   "Surprise," Aaron came behind you and covered your eyes. "Guess who."

   "Aaron, not now. I need to talk to you,"

   "Good guess. Did you make up your mind about our deal?" He stood in front of you and crossed his arms.

   "Yeah... and I... I want you to know that... or what I mean is... um..." You glanced at Raph on the rooftops and he was making violent gestures towards Aaron. "That picture isnt actually me,"

   "Oh yeah? Then why do you want me to delete it so badly?"

   "I... because..."

   "Oh for crying out loud!" Raph snarled and jumped down picking up Aaron by his shirt and taking his phone out of his pocket. "Listen here, you better quit sticking your nose in everyone's business and leave this chick alone if you know what's good for you. Now I'm gonna give you 60 seconds to send a mass text to your little friends to stop spreading rumours about this kid!"

   "Oh wow, sooo scary. Who's in the costume? April, is that you?"

   Raph pushed him up against the wall and growled. "Mass text, now,"

   Aaron caught his breath from the sudden wind blown out of him from behing shoved at the wall. It was something you never thought you'd see. Aaron was scared. It wasn't obvious, but he was scared.

   "Alright give me my phone,"

   Aaron took his phone back and started a big group chat and messaged everyone to delete the picture and stop treating you differently. Raphael took a few seconds to proofread and pressed send.

    "Okay, it's deleted. You know, this wouldn't have happened if (Y/n) wasn't such a prude and so scared of messing around. I don't know why they got the big ugly turtle costume guy to try and threaten me,"

   "Well whine all you want. Just stay out of people's business. If i hear anything out of you again, I'm gonna beat that smirk off your face,"

   You backed out and Raphael waked with you back down to the sewers. He was leading the way while you speedwalked to keep up.

   "Thank you, Raph. Mikey's lucky to have brothers. This means a lot to me,"

   "Thank Mikey. I still don't trust you... at ALL. I couldn't care less about what's going on at school with you. My same threats go to you too. If I hear one word out of Mikey that you're seeing another guy or that you been breaking his heart, then you're DONE,"

   "Raph, you have the right not to trust me, but please don't hate me,"

   "I don't hate you. I just don't like you. If you end up being a good person and Mikey actually tells you about his crush on you, then maybe I'll get along,"

   "Wait, he told you guys about it?"

   "Every. DAY. Now hurry up, Leo's gonna kill me for doing these little things behind his back,"

    You smiled a bit. "Sure. Thanks,"

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