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   After talking with Mikey, you felt so much better. He brought you back to your apartment, helping you sneak in so your parents wouldn't notice. He hugged you before wishing you goodnight and leaving.

   The next morning, you were doing the usual routine again. Getting dressed, dealing with your hair, brushing your teeth, the whole shebang. You headed to your grandfather's to make him breakfast and made your way to school.

   As you were going in, you saw April at her locker and decided to say hello.

   "April! Good morning!'

   The hallway seemed to go quiet when you spoke.

   "Hey, (Y/n). What's up? Mind if we go talk somewhere?" April lead you to the girls washroom, making sure there was nobody else in there. "I need to tell you something. I was going to tell you yesterday but..."

   "April, whats wrong?"

   "People are... saying things about you,"

   You furrowed your eyebrows, confused. "What kind of things?"

   "On this groupchat I'm in with my friends, they've been talking about you and how you keep giving out your number to boys at school... and I hear... you're dating Aaron. Is that true?"

   "Well... Yes, I am... but---"

   "He's still with his girlfriend... well, not still. She broke up with him after she saw... screenshots of what you sent to him. Pictures. I thought it was photoshopped but..."

   She showed you screenshots of yours and Aaron's text conversation.

   Specifically, where he pressured you into sending that topless picture. You practically swiped the phone out of her hands to keep her from looking.

   "How did you get that picture?? It's--- I..."

   "Apparently Aaron sent it to his friend Dani to brag about it... and then Dani showed it to someone else and then someone ended up telling his girlfriend and she found out. And when she found out, she told her friends about how she was cheated on and everyone... started pointing fingers and calling you a slut. I'm so sorry you had to find out like this,"

   You were in shock.

   "How many people know?"

   "At this point... Everyone." April peeked out of the bathroom and looked at you.

   "What should I do?" You asked.

   "I would go find Aaron and tell him what he did. I'll go with you if you want,"

   "Would you? I really would appreciate it. I don't... God this is screwed up," You wiped a lingering tear from your eye and took a deep breath.

   April walked with you to find Aaron at his locker. He was talking to his friends and you didn't know what to say to get his attention... but then April got it for you.

   "Aaron, come here. We need to talk," April crossed her arms and glared at him.

   "Hey April... oh uh... Hey (Y/n)!"

   April looked at you and nodded. "Go ahead,"

   "Aaron, you said you weren't going to show that picture to anyone. Why does the entire school seem to know about it?"

   "What picture?"

   You looked at him with shock of how ignorant he was being. "You know exactly what---"

   Tears began forming in your eyes. Everyone knew about it and he acted like it was nothing. There was a sly grin on his face that struck a chord with April.

Behind The Screens (Mikey X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now