High School Sweetheart

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   After the night of finally meeting your best friend, you went to bed... honestly not being able to care less about school. You were just excited to message him again and tell him to have a good day before heading off.

   When you woke up, you immediately checked the phone on your bedside table to see if you got any messages and... well you didn't, but it didn't ruin your mood one bit. You got yourself dressed into some nice clothes, which were actually way more put together than it usually was. You felt... confident today.

   You didn't hear your parents get up yet, so you quickly made yourself a sandwich, grabbed a bottle of water, and bolted out the door.

   Often they would criticize your outfit and tell you about being an adult and being responsible... but it just stressed you out. They always seemed to want to pick a fight.

   That was why, every day before school, you'd visit your grandfather, whether he was awake or not, since he lent you a key. Most of the time, you made him something to wake up to and left a note. Well, today he was awake!

   "Hey Grampy, good morning,"

   "Good morning, princess," he said as he was sat at his table with a plate in front of him.

   You went over to give him a hug and looked down at his plate. "Just toast?"

   "Oh you know... I just don't think I have the strength to cook today. I'm sorry I didn't make you anything,"

   "Grampy, you never have to. I made myself a sandwich. I'll whip up some eggs for you and head to school,"

   "School? I thought you were going to meet the queen, haha," he joked, looking at your well-put-together outfit.

   You smiled at him. "Thank you. I... I feel good this morning. I feel more alive, you know Grampy?"

   "That's wonderful. I'm glad you're feeling so happy,"

   In a matter of minutes, you finished up the scrambled eggs and gave him one last hug before leaving. "See you later, I love you!"

   "I love you too, princess! Thanks for the eggs,"

   You smiled before you shut the door and headed off to school. On the walk there, you reflected on what happened between you and Raph. He scared you, to be honest. You didn't know truly if you were interested in some kind of romance with Mikey, but you knew for sure that you weren't there for pity. You actually liked being with him. It was never ever going to be your intention to hurt him and you hoped Raphael didn't see you that way.

   You entered the school and felt like all eyes were on you. It was... weird. Suddenly, instead of people rolling their eyes at you or laughing at anything they could... they just smiled.

  When you caught the eyes of some, they even winked at you. To avoid the awkward eye contact, you pulled out your phone and texted Mikey. I mean, who else would you be texting?

   <You: Hey Mikey, i just wanted to say good morning. I hope you have an awesome day>

   You left it at that and got to your locker to hang up your sweater.

   "Hey, (Y/n), was it? How are you?"

   You glanced to the side and saw a boy.

   "Yeah, it's (Y/n). I'm fine, what's up?"

   "You look gorgeous today. Did you get some kind of makeover over the weekend? You never looked this good,"

   "Well, no I didn't... um, did you need something?"

   "Well yeah. I lost my number, can I have yours?"

   -Since when did boys flirt with me? What happened? How do I even respond? Do I give him my number? Do I laugh? What...-

   Subconsciously, you wrote down your phone number on a sticky note and gave it to him, not even consciously decided on giving it to him yet.

   "Wow, I really... wasn't expecting that. I'll call you sometime, alright?"

   "Okay, sure," you stared at him as he left.

   You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket for a second and it started ringing. When your phone began playing your favourite song as its ringtone, you laughed nervously as everyone looked at you.

   "H-Hello? Sorry, I---"

   "Yo whattup Angel Cakes?" It was Mikey. "I just got your text. How's it hanging?" Mikey sounded a little weird. Like, slurrish.

   "Oh, hey Mikey. I'm actually at school. I didn't think you'd be up so early,"

   "Actually, I just woke up like... 10 seconds ago from the weirdest dream and when I saw you messaged me, I decided to give my main girl a call,"

   "Aw really? That's why you sound so slurred. You're still sleepy,"

   "Yeah, I never wake up this early. Leo's the early turd, not me. Get it? Early bird? But he's a turtle... and a poophead?"

   You couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah I get it. I have to get to class, but tell me about your dream later, okay?"

   "Yeah! Awesome, okay. Call you later, Angel Cakes!"

   You hung up and headed to class, excited to message him again. By the end of school, 7 boys asked for your number. Honestly it was nerve wracking. Was it your outfit? Usually, the case with school was just to throw on whatever clean clothes you had and today, you were wearing something comfortable but flattering to your figure. Maybe things were finally changing for the better.

   As people dispersed from school, you were immediately getting calls from everyone you gave your number to.

   -This was a bad idea.-

   "Hey, (Y/n). I've been looking everywhere for you. I wanted to ask you if you felt like getting something to eat together. I wanted to tell you something,"

   "I...well, uh... sure? What's to eat?"

   "I know where to get some really good fries. Come on,"

   You followed him and were completely thrown off guard as he rested his arm around you.


   "So um... I'm sorry this might sound rude but, I completely forgot your name,"

   "Aaron. It's Aaron. I might as well tell you what... Okay, listen, (Y/n),"

   -Aaron? Doesn't he have a girlfriend? There's no way he's being flirty then. It's just two friends getting some fries and hanging...-

   "I think you're gorgeous and I'd really like to go out with you,"

   -Well nevermind.-

   "Aaron, really? Me? You hardly ever notice me. Don't you have a girlfriend?"

   "Yeah... but I was just so nervous about telling you. When you showed up today looking so good, I knew I wanted you to be mine,"

   "But she---"

   "Please," he took your shoulders and looked in your eyes.

   -God, what do I say? I can't hurt him. Is this how things were meant to be? Is it like the universe is trying to steer me away from Mikey?-

   "Aaron, I don't know what to... um, sure?"

   -Oh what the shell am I doing?-

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