He Seals the Deal

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   A few weeks from the lovely date enticed Mikey to always keep planning more and more of them. He loved seeing you and whenever you brought over snacks in your bag, he caught a quick glance of his action figure inside. Ever since you got it, you took it everywhere you could.

   You found yourself staying at the lair to study more often since it began feeling so much safer; even with Raph around. You thought that he would warm up to you, but he was as cold as ever. He didn't even begin to try trusting you at all...

   ...But it didn't matter because you were the happiest you've been. Mikey treated you like you were his hero and always gave you his love and support. Mikey had never actually called you his girlfriend yet though, nor had he kissed you properly on the lips. He left that up to you. He didnt want to overstep any boundaries until you showed you were okay with it.

   -What an angel...- You thought.

   While you were at the lair watching TV, you held your beloved action figure and fidgeted with it. It meant the world to Mikey that you brought that action figure everywhere with you. Mikey came up to you and kissed your forehead.

   "Hey, angel cakes, you wanna go up-top tonight?" He asked as he held your hand.

   "Totally! Where to?"

   "Anywhere really. I just wanna hang out together and chit-chat," Mikey helped you up from the sofa. "and we can keep skateboarding!"

   You smiled and put on your hoodie before stuffing the action figure into your backpack.

   "Leo! Can (Y/n) borrow your skateboard?"

   "Alright, but if I see one sticker out of place, I'm blaming you, Mikey!"

   Mikey playfully rolled his eyes and darted to Leo's room to get his skateboard. You glanced over at Leo.

   "So, has Raph warmed up to you yet, (Y/n)?" Leo asked, holding his head in his hands.

   "I don't think so. I'm trying to prove in every way I can that I don't want to hurt Mikey. I really care about him and... it's so hard for me to believe sometimes that he cares about me. I love that he's always so present with his family and I just... I wish I could show you guys that I'm not here out of pity. I'm here because... I love being around Mikey,"

   "I can see that... but I guess Raph doesn't. Don't worry, I know that when he trusts you, he'll start showing it in his own weird way. I'm sure Mikey'll show Raph that he---"

   "Leo, you take such crappy care of your skateboard! Anyway, come on Angel Cakes! Let's get going,"

   A smile spread across your face and you followed Mikey while carefully carrying Leo's skateboard. Mikey was humming a medley of random songs in his head and walking happily.

   "You're in a good mood today," you commented.

   "I'm just really happy you're here, angel cakes. It makes me so happy you use your time to be with me even though you could be doing anything else. You're my favourite person,"

   -His favourite person... that just makes my heart melt.- you thought.

   "Mikey, you're my favourite person too... by the way, where are we going?"

   "I kinda wanna skate for a while and... I dunno, talk to you about something,"

   Part of that sentence gave you anxiety straight away. What did Mikey want to talk about...? Did you do something wrong? Is he... no, he wouldn't break it off after telling you you're his favourite person... right?

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