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Amaxophobia- Fear of riding in a car
Jack POV
I never thought I'd be so happy about going back home for Christmas. I can't wait to see my family!
I walk down the stairs to see Brooklyn and Harper talking.
I smile at the two and turn around to see Sonny. He looks at me and looks away. I blush at the action thinking maybe I had something on my face.
I look back up to see he's gone. I sigh and look back two the couple talking. Harper kisses Brooklyn's check and that's when I break. "AEKDJWJZDNDNDKDDNk" I fan boy. They look at me and Rye and Andy run from the kitchen while the others come from the studio.
I reach for my phone after getting a text.
'Mom- hey my little Jacky, were not able to come to you this Christmas. We're so sorry! We were wondering if you could and would come to Ireland like the old times?
Me- yeah sure I will start packing..'
I sigh and walk to my room feeling eyes follow me until the knock on the door breaks that stare and you can hear the voices of Sonnys family and girlfriend.
I continue my way upstairs and when I'm almost done packing Alayna, Sonnys girlfriend walks in. "Hey Jack, you okay?" She asks. I nod smiling. "Yeah I guess." I say looking down again.
She comes to sit next to me. "Why are you packing?" Alayna asked gesturing to the packed bag. "My family can't make it so I'm going to them." I explain. She nods. "I'm gonna miss you bestie. I hope you have a amazing Christmas and I will make sure to give you you're present when you're back." She says sniffling. I smile and break down as well. While we hug Andy walks in. "Oh sorry-" "this about Rye Andy?" I asked cutting him off. He nods. Alayna pats the seat next to her and we all talk.
After the talk
Woah Andy's gonna propose to Rye. "I never heard of a bottom who proposes to their top." Alayna giggles. "Well even some women do it cause the men are to afraid..." I say. "True true." She says. "So you guys in to help?" Andy asked. Alayna nods. I almost nod but then realize I can't be there. I start to break down again.
"Hey hey Jacky you okay?" Andy asked kneeling down in front of me. I shake my head. "I'm gonna miss it! I'm gonna miss everything!" I yell knowing that Brooklyn took Sonnys family out to talk. I hear Andy whimper and regret it. "I'm sorry Fovvs..." I say softly. He calms but I can tell he is slipping. "Shoot. RYE!" I yell. Alayna runs to get Andy's inhaler from his room. The asthma attack is happening. With Andy's room the oposite part of the house from mine luckily Alayna can run fast. She arrives back with the inhaler and Rye is not here.
We look outside to see him talking to Sonnys parents.
I start to get fuming red. Andy no longer little we explain and he gets something out of his pocket can we mention Rye hates. Andy's vape. So I mean why not get out mine as well.
Soon the whole room fills with smoke and Alayna is telling us jokes. I hear the car door open and a car leaving. "That's Sonnys family gone for now." Alayna says looking out the window. I put on some music that talks badly about people and then it all the way up it still being rock.
I hear Rye yell 'what the fuck.' I hear foot steps run around the house. "Y'all bitches can't get enough me I'm tired I wanna sleep but i can't when I wanna die to afraid I might go ahead and fly." Andy sings the lyrics. I repeat those lyrics on the words I wanna die and when that happens The boys walk in. Andy's vape in his mouth Rye sees this. Rye also poison to see Andy's inhaler. "Did you have a asthma attack?" He says concerned,worried, and mad.
Andy nods. Rye gets Andy and pulls him out of the room. Brooklyn and Harper leave. Sonny take Alayna and oh of course I'm alone. I get my shoes on and get my bags. Alayna says goodbye and so does Andy, leaving the rest confused. "Jack where are you going?" Brooklyn asked. "Home." I say almost breaking into tears. "Why? I thought you were gonna stay for Christmas and your family was gonna come?" Sonny says sadly?
"They can't make it, so I'm going to them." I explain. "I'll take you." Sonny says. I nod not wanting to argue. I get in the car and get a sicking feeling in my stomach. Sonny notices. "You okay?" He asked concern pulling out of the Drive way. I nod trying to keep my cool. I start to feel a panic attack and he breaks and pulls to the side of the road. "Jack talk to me right now. Are. You. Okay!?" He yells. I can't calm down he does what he's gonna regret. He kisses me. I calm after a bit. "Why did you do that-" he kisses me again.
What's going on??!
To be continued...
So yeah I left you on a cliffhanger. I was quite bored actually so I will get the next part out in a week or so.
-Mia x

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