"I'll never be.."

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This is me. I will never be smart. I will never be cool. I will never be good looking.
Andy POV
Rye today posted a picture of himself. Apparently it's gonna be his super hero outfit for the hero tour. Aka him shirtless.
Am I gonna allow that?
But it makes me feel bad about myself.
He has abs, he stays fit even when he eats. Why can't I be like him?
I'll never be fit..
A couple days later I haven't been out of my room cause I was setting up the hero tour over the phone with Blair.
I see more posts of the boys shirtless.
I realize, I'm the only one not perfect.
I feel the tears run down my face and drip onto my phone.
I quickly wipe them and go on google.
'How to become a better person. Looks, words and more!'
Sounds great!
After a couple minutes I get bored and then a pop up shows.
'Is everyone better looking around you? Want to be like them? Read the following advice to be better!
1. Eat nothing
2. Work out from early day to late night
3. When you eat something throw it up later on by simply shoving two fingers down your throat.
If none of this works, what are you still doing in this world?'
I may as well try it.
I leave the tab open and go to the bathroom since it's now night.
I shove two fingers down my throat and my gag reflex kicks in. That worked!
I smile.
Now I set I my alarm for three, as it is now two thirty.
I will leave then to go to the gym.
-Thirty minutes later-
The alarm goes off for a short second but hen I turn it off.
I head to the gym.
Jack POV
I wake up early for once and head downstairs.
I see a note on the table and Andy's shoes gone.
'I'm out of the house for the day! Try not to burn it down! Cya on the flip side! -Andrew'
Well then..
I enter the boys rooms each waking up to see my face.
I take them all downstairs and decide to read on the note.
"I'm out of the house for the day! Try not to burn it down. Cya on the flip side. Andrew." I read out.
They look to the show pile to see his gone.
"Maybe it's Blair. Let's call." Brooklyn suggests. We nod.
We called Blair but he said he didn't have any idea why Andy was gone for the day.
We questioned it but later forgot.
-a week later-
Andy POV
It's been a week and the boys haven't noticed anything! I look at myself in the mirror about to the head to the gym. I see I'm skinner, but not skinny enough.
I sigh.
"Going somewhere?" I hear behind me. Brooklyn.
"Yes actually." I say. "The Gym? To lose fat you never had?" He says more of a statement. He knows.
"I" He pulls me downstairs and brings me to all the boys.
He takes off my shirt.
I try to cover my fat up but he stops me.
The boys look at me with tears.
"Why the hell do you think you can do this to your fucking self!?" Rye yells.
I shrug.
He growls as a dog would if it's protecting something or someone.
I hear a shuffle of footsteps exit the room and soft lips on mine.
Hey guys have a nice day and remember there's nothing wrong with any of the boys! They are them in every way! Which is a perfect way, and so are you.

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