parent's eve

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1363 The Academy Of Unseen Arts:  

''The second account of Creation is known as the Yahwistic version and is found in Genesis 2. This is the version of Creation that most people are familiar with. The false God creates Adam, then places him in the . Not long afterwards, the false God decides to make a companion for Adam and creates the animals of the land and sky to see if any of them are suitable partners for the man. The false God brings each animal to?'' Zelda raised her hand. ''Adam, who names it before ultimately deciding that it is not a 'suitable helper." ''Very well, Spellman. Now according to the Alphabet of Ben Sira, Lilith was Adam's first wife but the couple fought all the time. They didn't see eye-to-eye on matters of?'' Zelda was again the only one who raised her hand. "Yes Spellman.'' ''Sex because Adam always wanted to be on top while Lilith also wanted a turn in the dominant sexual position.'' ''Again, very well, Spellman.'' The bell rang. ''Okay class dismissed.''

1966 Baxter High:

It was a cold night. Lilith had the parent's eve and secretly couldn't take all the mortal parent's talking about bla bla bla, but she went along with it because Sabrina was who she needed for the dark lord. Sabrina had to write her name in the book of the beast, it would be the best for her, and for her family.

Hilda was the one who always went to those evenings. She was always more interested in Sabrina's mortal schooling then her sister Zelda did. but when she got a new boyfriend: docter Cee, she liked to go out more often, and that night she went out, so that meant that Zelda had to go to the mortal school. She realy didn't feel like it.

Zelda and Sabrina were getting ready to go to the school. Making their way to the school Zelda was very irritable. ''why are you so quiet auntie zee?''. Sabrina asked. Zelda sighed. ''what do you think? If Hilda wasn't busy, I would be taking a hot bath. Or reading a book. But no.''. it went quite right away and the sooner Sabrina could say something they were already parked.

the time flew. Sabrina and Zelda were taking turns and knocked on the office door of mrs Wardwell, who is currently possessed by Lilith. A demoness who also tends to be Lucifer's concubine.
''come on in''. Lilith said sighning. Sabrina and Zelda came inside. ''Sabrina, how good to see you, and this is clearly not your aunt Hilda is she?''. Lilith asked wondering who this red-headed woman was. She had never seen her before. ''No mrs Wardwell, this is my other aunt.'' Sabrina said. ''Hello, im Zelda.'' Zelda said while shaking Lilith's cold hand, it was giving her shivers down her spine but she played cool, like she always would. ''it's nice to meet you mrs Spellman.'' Lilith said with a bright smile at the corners of her mounth. she didn't have to give a fake smile at that moment. she meant it. '' is Sabrina doing?'' Zelda asked as if she was intrested, she was not, obviously, she was to busy staring into Lilith's perfect blue eyes. It was like they dragged Zelda's green orbs towards them. Zelda was obviously attracted to Lilith. ''She is doing great work''. Lilith said while she didn't leave her eyes of of the redhead for one second. Lilith also tends to be attracted to Zelda. But she still played to be an professional teacher. ''good''. Zelda said while staring for even longer. 

some few more seconds flew by and Sabrina felt the need to interrupt the two woman with their so-called staring competition. "so...''. Sabrina said clearing her voice to show her presence. ''y..yes''. Lilith said clearing her voice, and immediately looking at the diraction of the teenager. '' so, Sabrina, if you have any questions then you might bleak loose.'' Lilith said trying to sound as friendly as possible. ''No, not real-''. Sabrina said while getting intorrupted by a loud knocking, the door opened and a head came through.

''mrs Wardwell? there is a angry family waiting for you.'' mrs Meeks said friendly like she Always was. Mrs meeks worked for mrs Wardwell ever since she became the principal of Baxter High. ''Okay thank you mrs Meeks.''  Lilith said sighning while walking towards the door, opening it, and standing there while holding the door handle. Lilith kindly nodded her head while Sabrina walked out of her office. then Zelda stood there with Lilith. ''It was nice meeting you mrs Spellman''. Lilith said formally. ''Likewise mrs Wardwell.'' Zelda said while using one of her strong words instead of a poor; 'you too'. ''Oh please, call me Mary.'' Lilith said. ''Oh well then, Mary''. Zelda said impressed.

She left the office while she could't stop thinking abaut the teacher. in her mind she wondered: What in Satan's name was that!? was i under a curse or something? before she could even think of an explanation to that Sabrina asked: " Are you still with me auntie zee?'' ''huh? Yes ofcourse i am, don't doubt me.'' Zelda said strongly. Sabrina was overwhelmed by confuseness  but didn't think much about it and simply said: ''okay antie''. 

They went back to the mortuary. Hilda was still not home from her 'date', Zelda noticed that and wispered sighingley: ''that slut, it is already way to late, i will kill her''. and went to her room. She had a hard time falling asleep. She kept thinking about that 'Mary'. 'What an strange woman' Zelda thought. after an our or two she finaly got some sleep. it was a night full of questions.

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