The proposal

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Zelda woke up. She was glad it was the next day because she wanted to check up on Lilith. she quickly changed into one of her dresses and immediately went downstairs to eat. 

Lilith, on the other hand, was still in the embalming room. Until she had an unexpected visit. "Lilith." A voice growled in the corner of the room. "How could you let this body lose its soul like that.'' It was The Dark Lord, complaining about the fact that Lilith was stuck in limbo.

Then he called her soul back, and Lilith crawled back into Mary's skin. "Dark Lord!" Lilith said when she saw him standing there. "I'm sorry I failed. It won't happen again!" Lilith promised as she sat on her knees in front of him."If you want to succeed, you have to get up now and tell the Spellmans you're alive again. And don't let me notice you're falling in love with someone else, I feel sparks are sparking." Lucifer said. He said and dissapeared right after that.

Lilith got up and left the room. "I don't know Hilda. But I'm staying home today after yesterday's incident.'' Zelda told Hilda while still eating breakfast. Lilith recognised her voice and went to the kitchen. Zelda and Hilda heard her footsteps come from that direction. 

"Mary!" Zelda called as she headed toward her. She gave Lilith a big hug. Lilith hugged her back until Zelda broke the hug and gave her a big kiss. Lilith accepted the kiss but hesitated. ''Zelda does she know?-'' ''Yes... I told her everything yesterday.''''I hope I'm not ruining your moment but, how did you come back so quickly?'' Hilda asked. ''I-I don't know, I just woke up and followed the noize.'' Lilith lied. lilith never enjoyed lying to Zelda but it was for her own good.

They then drank some tea and talked until Hilda interfered: ''Zelda, shouldn't you go to the academy now. Even though you were taking your day off. It's just irresponsible.''  Zelda sighed to that. ''Okay, but please don't tell Faustus that Mary is alive. We'll just have to lie then.'' 

Once arrived Zelda ran into Faustus. ''Zelda, How pleasant you're finally here. I waited for you.'' Faustus said with his fake kind voice. ''Yes I'm sorry. I was very busy keeping the household in control.'' Zelda lied. Faustus knew. He's not stupid. But he didn't want to bother with it because he had other questions for Zelda. ''Maybe we should go to my office, to talk further.'' Faustus said. He Walked to his office and Zelda followed him.

Faustus half sat on his desk, while Zelda just stood. ''Zelda. I've wanted to ask you something for a very long time. I've known you since we were teenagers. Yes sometimes things happen that we regret. And yet I can't think why I should not do this with you. Zelda Fiona Spellman. Will you marry me?'' 

Zelda stood there in shock. No she did not want to marry him! She would rather marry Lilith! So Zelda didn't know what to say. Faustus found out about her doubt, since she wore an doubting expression. ''Zelda?'' ''I-I'm sorry. I... I don't think I can marry you.'' Zelda apologized. "Is it because of that 'Mary'. Your new girlfriend?'' Faustus said in a thunderous voice. ''Faustus, I'm so sorry-'' ''No! You are going to marry me. It is the Dark Lord's will. If you like it or not, and so be it!'' 

And that was it. Zelda had to marry Faustus. The man who hurt her mentally and physically. The man she hated the most. The man that would ruin her.

Zelda returned home after school. She had to tell her sister, and Mary... 

Hilda was in the garden, watering the flowers. "Hello Sister!" Hilda said excitedly. "Hello Hilda." ''How was your day?" "Well, well ... Faustus asked me to marry him.'' ''But Zelds, that's wonderful news!'' ''I know but...'' ''Do you love him?'' ''No Hilda. I don't love him. I love...'' ''Mary.'' Zelda nodded. ''Then don't do it!-'' ''That's too late. I already said yes.'' ''But Zelda!'' ''No! I'm going to marry him no matter what. It would be good for our family status. Especially after the feast of feasts.'' Zelda said and she walked back inside the mortuary.

They then ate dinner and Zelda went to bed. It was an hard day but at least her Mary lived.

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