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I could still feel the undeniable and sensational taste of alcohol running in my tastebuds and the aching pain pounding in my head as my friends and I made our way towards the cafeteria for breakfast.

Out in the corner of my eye, I found Erika smirking and snickering to herself as she placed a hand on her hip.

Madison creased a brow at her, "What's so funny, Erika?" She paused, thinking,"Is there something on my face?"

We pushed past the double doors of the cafeteria to find ourselves face to face with all the campers divided into groups, seated by the wooden furniture.

The scent of bacon and eggs had me drooling for breakfast. The place looks like a cheap but still durable version of a luxurious buffet. And we know how I know what a luxurious buffet looks like.

"Nothing," Erika pointed out, "It's just... Audrey Anderson is doing an impossible dare she just agreed to last night..."

Shit, forgot about that!


Pathetic imbecile!

Shaking my head, I muttered while pulling out a tray from the shelves, "How drunk was I last night?" I licked my dried lips.

"Bacon. Just bacon!" Erika stated at the cafeteria lady, pointing at the stack of fried bacon in front of us, "I don't want any of those slimy yolks in my digestive system, no way!"

"Don't be such a drama queen," Madison scolded as she poured herself a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

We sat in an empty table with our hot breakfast ready to be eaten.

I shoveled a piece of egg into my mouth, "I can't do this... might as well give up on that dare of yours, Erika."

Madison and Erika looked at each other with confused glances as if their heads were locked with the similar thought.

I watched as Maddy almost choked on her juice, "A-and lose $600.00?! I don't think so!" She stood up confidently, slamming a hand on the table.

Folding my arms across my chest, I told her, "So now you're on the same page as Erika?"

"I thought about it last night..."

"You were drunk last night," Erika pointed out, chewing on her bacon.

Sighing, I forked my bacon, "Tell me why I have to do this? Basically I'm toying someone else's feelings, Erika..."

That's when a sultry voice interrupted me as the shaky whisper went past my ears. I was stiff for a moment as the sound lingered and rang in my ears.

"Hello, Ms. Chandler!" I knew it was Kylie's sickening voice interrupting my morning, "Or should I say... Ms. Anderson?"

I gripped my fork tightly, "What do you want, Kylie?!" I scoffed, demanding for a reply.

"I guess someone's ashamed of their own identity, last name? I suppose..." She was like a snake, slithering over my life. I swear, knowing me long enough, she had an idea to sink her teeth in my skin.

Glaring at her, Maddy joined in our little conversation, "It's not your buisness to learn why she had to convert her last name into Anderson, Kylie!"

"I'll keep in your little secret about your last name, Audrey," She giggled hysterically like a maddened hatter, "As long as you follow my reminder for you."

She pointed her slick and acrylic nailed finger at Alex Cooper, the hot and mysterious guy at camp, "Stay away from him..."

With that, she turned her heel and sashayed down the cafeteria hall to sit with her beloved future boyfriend according to her.

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