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What Zoë said was still rattling in my head. Alex is obviously hiding something. I know he is really a good person on the inside but there is a wall stopping him.

Honestly, I want to know what Alex is actually dealing with but I figured it's not the right time for these questions. We're not pretty close and I don't want him to think of me as an idiotic person who sticks their nose in other people's personal business.

I'm still pretty stunned that Zoë and Alex used to date in middle school. I mean who knew that they were together?

But what did happen to Alex in the first place? and how did he rag up to be in his current position? Was he a horrible person from the start? Or Zoë was actually right that something bothered him to be in this state now?

I picked up a small stone sitting beside me in the sand then threw it farther into the deep indefinite ocean while sighing, just thinking about different things.

Looking up into the sunset, I could see small birds flying in the horizon. The colors of the extraordinary sun painted the wonderful sky.

I was lost in thought about my family when a clearing throat interrupted me from behind.

It was Alex.

"Got room for one more?" He asked in his deep, almost threatening voice, releasing a very slight throaty crack in his voice.

The chains of asking him those certain questions pulled me back. Instead, I just nodded then he sat a few feet away from me.

"Why are you here?" I asked, not looking away from the breath taking ambiance.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see and visualize Alex's signature smirk, "I'm sorry, Anderson, I didn't know you own the beach now," He said sarcastically.

"Is it wrong to ask?" I chuckled, cocking a brow, "Asking questions is free, you know, Cooper?"

He shot me a deadly look, "Well guess what, you don't need to know. I deal with my problems, you deal with yours. See? We both get what we want."

"Did you get any further updates regarding the scheduled activities?" I questioned, picking my nails lightly.

Alex shook his head, "As for now, I'm still lazy to check. Why don't you check it out. CKP has a website, you know?"

"Yeesh, controlling," I rolled my eyes then grinned a little bit. A week and a few days have passed and we still go on with the similar routine.

For some reason, Castra Kappa Pi made everything better for me. For once, I actually felt free and can do whatever I want!

The past week has gone by so far and my entire life felt stable and balanced. Erika and Madison have been the same and I jut learned that Ben was courting Maddy so soon.

Alex and I's relationship was better than before but I couldn't say it's alright. From eternal hatred, we just somehow became...I dunno...not friends. Acquaintances? Frenemies?

Mom and Dad barely called me for some boring teachings about the company which is very good news.

Ian just recently called me and his voice was obviously music to my ears. Nothing can turn him away from me cuz he is literally the best boyfriend I ever had... I mean he is my first but he treats me very well.

And Shawn? He sent me letters everyday regardless of the fact that he is always busy and stressed in college like Ian. (I actually store his letters in my drawers)

A thought came to me.

"So, tell me about your history with Greek," I told Alex who was spinning with his chain necklace, thinking I should stir up small talk between us.

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