t h i r t y t h r e e

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Alex planted a kiss on my cheek, "We're here, princess," He pleasantly grinned, informing me we have arrived at our destination: Castra Kappa Pi.

My boyfriend lifted his hand off my thigh, which was showing because of the slit in my flowy sunny pink sun dress.

He jumped off our ride, then opened the door wider for me so that I could go through. Once I got out, I waved a finer over his chin then growled, "Chivalry, I see?" I chuckled.

We laced both our fingers together, then made our way through the grasslands I exactly remembered.

The area was decorated with glowing lanterns that lit up the night sky. Although, Erika called me last night, telling me that te reunion would be held at the beach, and not by the cabins.

Despite the lanterns, there was also a bus in the middle, our ride towards the beach. Our former campers began filinv inside the vehicle, followed by thrills of stories.

To my surprise, Maddy and Erika were waiting by the door for me and Alex. Once they saw us, they immediately ran up to us like we were some famous super stars.

Of course, my friends attacked me with hugs, causing Alex to drawl a snicker. Then they came ambushing my poor boyfriend with the same strategy.

Madison smiled, "You know it's nice you two actually got back together," She piped up, "You guys make the picture-perfect couple!"

"Were we late?" I asked, feeling Alex's arm around my waist, "Someone had a specific need," I reasoned, rolling my eyes at Alex.

Erika winked, "You're just in time. C'mon, we're gonna lose a seat in the bus!" She grabbed Maddy's arm then dragged all of us inside.

No one changed. I could still see the same people I met at CKP two months ago. They were all clattering, and laughing.

Maddy and Erika sat behind me and Alex in the bus. As we settled in, I managed to convince Alex to let me sit by the window (special thanks to my pouty face that hr guilts himself into).

From the back, I could see Ben and Dennis rounding up two empty seats in the front. When they saw us, they immediately whirled around to say hello.

"What's up, Alex?" Dennis chuckled, as both of them shared a high five and a fist bump, "Hello, Audrey," He smiled sweetly before shaking my hand.

Alex let out a smile with a dimple on both of his cheeks, "Pleasure to see you two dumbasses again!" He teased, then shared a handshake with Ben who just gave me a hug.

Ben grinned broadly, "How's it been? Anything new?" He wiggled his brows at us then he joked, turning to me, "Did you lose your card to Alex already?"

A rush of heat crumpled my face, then I tried to hide it feebly, "S-Shut up, Ben, you're no help w-whatsover!" I huffed, stuttering with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, babygirl," Ben pouted before ruffling my hair, "All fun and games..."

I was fixing my hair, and Alex's friends were already finding a seat, when I noticed Sam's fiery red hair flowing as she entered the bus in a crop top and shorts (something you won't see her wear on a daily basis).

A bright tender smile snuck up to Sam's lips, "Oh, so glad you guys could make it! Welcome to CKP's 4th ever reunion!" For the first time ever, I didn't see a cliboard hanging around her.

Fortunately, I didn't see Kylie fucking Milliards and her little minion, Gerome, around. They're probably not invited to this event.

After a few minutes passed, the bus began moving towards the beach. I rested my head on Alex's shoulder, flicking my fingers in silence.

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