t h i r t y

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Audrey's POV

When Alex texted me to see if we could talk, I went completely blank. Despite the fact that I could get him back now, with full support from my complete family, his parents might disagree.

So, I kept it there. I kept our boundary because if his parents catches us talking, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper would definetely put their foot down more.

That's when the thought crawled to me: does Alex know about our past now? Now that he knows I suffered from amnesia and all that shit.

Currently, I'm sitting on the kitchen island, feeling fresh and brand new since somehow half of my problems are flying away and drifting off my chest.

I mean, kind of fresh because I'm wearing one of Alex's hoodies he left here in my room while stuffing myself with microwaved pizza from Costco and watching Sex Education on Netlfix (Yes, I know, I'm a monster to expose myself to this kind of content but I'm 19 for Pete's sake).

From what I remember, today is Alex's application submission for his dream university for his second year, and I promised him that I would be there by his side as he steps inside the place until we leave.

Well I did promise him anyways. If we didn't break up and if his parents are not treating me like someone who murdered their old pet fish.

Up till this day, I honestly still feel regretful about calling the quits on someone I care and love. But my hands are tied, and it's not like I had a choice but to break both of our hearts.

I was lost in a trance that I didn't notice Shawn dropping in with a can of Coca Cola in his hands. He made his way over to me once he put his backpack away.

He pecked a kiss on my cheek,"Hey, little sis, have you seen Mom?" He looked around the room, in search for our dear mother.

I shook my head, trying to focus on the movie I was watching, and attempted to make Alex's voice and signs disappear from my head so I could also give attention to my brother.

"No," I sang, pausing Sex Education on my phone then turned to my brother who was wiping away the dribbles of soda from his lips.

His eyes darted at my phone. He sqinted to make a double check, "Hey, isn't it a little weird to watch that in front of me?" He pointed out.

Shrugging, I said, "That's why I paused it," I chorused, taking a bite out of my cheesy pizza.

Shawn sat next to me in one of the chairs, then grinned at me, "So, how was the application for Central University yesterday?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Umm..." I thought about it for a bit,"I passed but I don't really think I impressed the judges there. Besides one of them was a highly five-star rated TikTok dancer."

My brother gave me an encouraging smile, "No doubt that you took the wind off their feet," He shook his head, "You're a very great dancer, Audrey. You should be proud of that," He pinched my cheek.

"So did you talk to Alex recently?"

I frowned, "He asked if we could talk through text message last night and I didn't reply because if his parents caught me chatting with him, he might die," I rolled my eyes.

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," I said in a feeble voice, as if I was going to break down into tears any moment now.

Shawn gawked at me for a good nine seconds then turned to the kitchen. At first it bugged me how my brother just looked at me then went away but it somehow left my mind after a short while.

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