e i g h t e e n

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I sat on my bed, looking out of the window, missing my boyfriend all of a sudden just from last night.

As I thought of Ian, I pulled out several drawers from my desk, in search for a letter he sent me when I arrived here in camp. It would certainly give me fresh memories of him.

My eyebrows furrowed when I stumbled upon a ring I wasn't familiar with in the last drawer. Shakily and curiously, I bent over and picked it up, carressing its details.

It was a thick silver ring. It had a circle in the middle, with the most simple and romantic heart embedded in it. When I turned it over, you could read the smallest writing in cursive: Cooper.

'He must have left it here' was the first assumption that came to me when I laid eyes on the last name.

Without any reluctance, I got up from my bed then shoved the ring in my front jean pocket.

I opened the door knob of the front door of our cabin, then headed outside to look for Alex.

Luckily, I didn't have to waste much time, because there stood his best friend, Dennis, getting some fresh air by the cloudy forest.

Great! I could ask Dennis where's Alwx at right now.

"Hey!" I called for Dennis as I made my way towards him. I caught his attention, his eyes lighting up once he saw me.

Dennis waved at me, "Oh, hey, Audrey, how could I help you?" He grinned, his dimples popping up from the sides of his cheeks.

Returning the smile, I asked, "Hey, I was wondering if you've seen Alex anywhere? For some reason?"

He nodded, "I saw him talking with Timothy earlier, but I heard he's going to the gym," He pointed at the flag post, "Why, what's up?" He blinked.

"Uh, he accidentally left his ring at my place," I answered, "And I hope I could return it to him," I retrieved the piece of accessory from my pocket then showed it to Dennis.

Dennis nodded, "That's Alex's alright. If you want I could give it to him once he's back in the cabin."

I shook my head, "No thanks, I'll give it to him myself. You seem kinda busy over there," I waved at him, setting up my goodbyes, heading off.


"Hey, Alex, you forgot your-Oh my goodness gracious..." I stopped midsentence, stuck completely petrifried, frozen, from what I just saw.

Alexander Cooper was completely bare, and shirtless, wearing nothing but boxing shorts, and his chained necklace. His six-packed abs and bulging muscles glistened due to the sweat pouring all over that god damn body of his!

His hair was messy, drenched in sweat. He didn't seem to have any difficulty carrying and lifting up a hundred and fity pound weights! Is he human?

Yet, he still looks hot..ermm.. I mean perfectly decent.

I felt myself heating up, the knot in my stomach starting to form as he noticed my presence in the gym room of the camp.

Alex padded his white towel on his forehead then threw it over his shoulder after taking a sip of water from his black colored hydroflask.

He swaggered over to my direction, greeting me with this smile I've never seen him with.

Leaning over, he said, "Hey," He adressed me, "What are you doing here, idiot? Came to see me and my...?" He winked at me, still noticing how frozen I was after seeing him.

"Me? No-stop it!" I kind of denied it beford reaching into my pocket, and took out the ring he posessed.

He eyed it carefully, "Is this yours?" I lifted a brow before placing it in his palm cautiously, as if it was a fragile object.

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