t w e n t y t h r e e

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"Is that the last of it?" Alex questioned, rolling over my trolley towards my direction and slinging my backpack as well.

I nodded, staring into space. Not sparing my boyfriend a single glance. All bags were lined up by the lobby, and we only had one hour left in this place before we take off.

Mom and Dad are going to fetch me from Castra Kappa Pi, and I thought it was a terrible idea because I don't want them to be the first thing I see when I step off this camp.

Time went by so fucking fast like a lightning grease. At first, Alex and I were still bickering like toddlers. But to see how this camp changed us, we're now a couple.

Alex set my bags down and brought my left hand to his lips, pressing his brims against my ring.

Looking up at me, he grinned, "So when are we going to see each other again?" With so much hope in his eyes, I couldn't help but feel guilty for my parents' strict rules.

"We could FaceTime?" I suggested, which caused him to frown like he just seen his dog being executed.

"Really?" He blinked, energy draining from his voice, "Fuck your rules. I need to see you... Let me take you on dates, Audrey."

A sly smile formed on my lips, "It's not like both of us have options," I said, him knowing what I meant.

His shoulders slumped, "I know. Maybe I could say that I'm your classmate from your school? Then we could hang out!" He said hopefully and desperately.

With dry lips, I pointed out, making him realize, "Alex, it's summer..."

"Summer groupwork!" He had a light bulb popping in his head in no time, "Your parents can't say no to school!" He grinned.

But my concern was different,"What about your parents?"

"Same excuse,"Alex carressed my hand.

That's when the thought came to me, "My mother couldn't help being too over protective. I really can't go out with you then. And besides, I already graduated."

"Alright, just stay in your bedroom at 7 PM tonight, alright?" He told me, massaging my shoulders. Before I could say anything, he said, "Don't worry, I know your address. Everyone knows where the Chandlers live," He chuckled.

Sam walked over to me and Alex, with another clipbpard in her hand. She called my name, while breathing heavily.

She went over, "Audrey! Audrey!"

Turning around, I raised both of my brows while Sam wiped away the sweat from her hair, "Yes?" I blinked.

"Your parents are here," She proclaimed, smiling a little bit, "Time for you to go."

My face dropped, "It hasn't been an hour!" I exclaimed, whining in disbelief. But I assume I have a tight schedule for piano and shit.

Alex gave me pleading and desperate eyes, begging me to stay with him first, maybe spare a few minutes. But he knew I couldn't.

My boyfriend wrapped his arms around my frame then pushed me closer to his body before a deep and passionate session between us. And yes, kissing.

"Too much PDA, you two."

Alex pulled away then said, "I'll call you later, alright?"

"Thanks for being here, Audrey. See you soon," Sam patted my shoulder lightly.


I entered the limosin, and my parents didn't even bother giving a quick glance. After two months of not seeing me around. Instead, they were looking through papers while sipping coffee.

One Summer, One GoalWhere stories live. Discover now