t w e n t y t w o

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Alex and I are officially out in this camp for two weeks now. And us being a couple was the biggest hit topic of Castra Kappa Pi since we've been good friends for quite some time.

As for Ian? Well soon after he quit hid job and went back to France to continue his education. And what do you know? He blocked my number.

The six of us were sitting at lunch: me, Maddy, Erika, Alex, Ben, and Dennis. It was quite obvious that Alex was parading me around like a grand trophy around since he somehow can't keep his hands off me.

I was trying to chew my afternoon waffles calmly but Alex keeps burying his face in my neck, leaving kisses. And it's quite difficult to pull back a moan.

He quipped, begging, "Can we go back to my cabin after this? I want to be with you for a while," He whispered into my ear so I would only hear, "I want you all to myself..."

Alex made it a challenge or an obstacle for me to act all innocent in eating when he's rubbing his hand on my right knee.

Dennis joked while hollering, "Oh my gosh, Cooper, can't even last a second without touching Audrey," That line made everyone throw up into endless giggles.

"Dude, I couldn't help it," He snarled, clowning around, "I love my girlfriend too much..." Alex began playing with my hair, stroking it.

It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Saying that I'm Alex Cooper's girlfriend. It sounds more genuine and romantic when he says it.

There are many girls in the world who are on their knees for Alex, but to think, me? I'm the one he chose when there is 7.8 billion people out there in the world.

Maddy let out a soft smile before resting her head on Ben's shoulder, "Just not too much PDA," She said with concern.

"So, Chandler," Dennis called for me, still not quite comfortable or used to calling me by my actual last name, "So, it's been two weeks, how is life dating pretty boy over here?"

Shrugging, I said,"He's great," I muttered before pressing a kiss on Alex's lower lip corner as a form of joke towards my friends, making them fake a gag.


I stared at the ceiling fan rotating in the air in Alex's cabin. Amy boyfriend just finished taking a bath and now he's putting on a new shirt.

Sighing, I called his name, "Alex?" I waited for his response before proceeding to what I was saying.

He turned to look at me, his hair sprinkling some droplets of water everywhere, "Yes, babygirl?"

Huh. Ian used to call me that.

"Do you think your parents will approve of me?" I debated in my head whether I should ask that question or not because it kind of sounded personal.

Alex was silent for a moment as he put his clean shirt on, "What the fuck are you talking about-Of course they'll like you."

My reply to that was all throaty and kind of upset, "Because, of our family's relationship with one another and all those in between..." I whispered.

My boyfriend gave me a point for that reason. He knelt down, cupping my lower cheek with his hand after wrapping a hair strand around his finger, "We'll introduce you as a daughter of an Anderson. And when the time is right, we'll spill it out. I promise," He assured before kissing me as light as a feather.

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