t h i r t y f i v e

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We clinked champagne glasses, waiting for the strike of 12, so we could jump happily into the air, and welcome the new year right under our noses.

I brought the sparkling champagne to my lips, then slurped the liquid down, while dancing to the hit songs of 2020.

The Coopers and Chandlers are having a New Year's Eve Party at the balcony at my boyfriend's place, and it's honestly fun even if we're only nine people in this room.

Abuela was laughing at something Mrs. Cooper told her. They were by the banquet table, helping themselves to platters of cheese, crackers, and grapes.

Mom, Dad, and Mr. Cooper were arranging documents for the new arrival of products coming in on Monday morning, while sipping on fine luxury wine.

Shawn was being himself, leaning by the doorframe while having a chat with his girlfriend, Angelina. She was beautiful, red hair, freckles, and a retro vintage style.

It was very considerate of the Coopers to invite her. Just watching my brother and her laughing together, makes my heart flutter as a supportive sister.

Alex and I were cuddled by the couch, the scent of a crackling fireplace filled the air. Our feet were propped up on the table, Alex just whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

"I can't believe this year is ending so fast," I muttered, looking at the streamers and balloons hanging all around the place, "It feels like... I haven't been to camp at all."

Curiously, Alex curled my hair around his finger, "Hey, at least we're starting the new year together, am I right?" He growled in a low voice, tangling our legs together.

"I love what you're wearing..." Alex grinned softly at me. It was nothing spectacular but a sleeveless fit maroon dress, and silver heels.

Looking up at him through my lashes, I mumbled, "Thanks," His outfit was also nothing extravagant: a black polo shirt with white stripes, and denim pants.

Groaning, my eyes were on search for the closest watch, "Oh my gosh, time is taking so long. What time is it?" I complained impatiently yet eagerly.

Alex draped an arm around my shoulders then cooed, "Babe, chill, it's only 8:53 PM," He informed me, "Enjoy the final hours while they last."

As I nodded, I cleared my throat, "Can we eat something first? I'm starving since I really didn't eat dinner yet," I frowned, attempting to unravel our tangled web of legs and arm.

At first he was hesitant but he eventually gave in, "Fine... but I'd rather cuddle," He pouted like an immature child, saying the last part much quieter but I could still hear him.

Both of us headed towards the dining area then fetched ourselves a plate. Since I didn't want to completely make myself feel like a bloated cow, I only took out a few things.

I was serving myself to helpings of sushi, and quesadillas. I also managed to snag a solo cup of punch. Alex got three slices of thin crust Italian pizza, and fetched himself a bottle of Coca-Cola from the cooler.

We sat down close to the balcony, and talked more and more until we were out of topics. We instantly got bored then just rated some songs.

"My Oh My by Camilla Cabello?" Alex knitted his brows, tapping his chin in thought, "6.5," He replied.

Frowning, I said, "Really? I'd give it a solid 7. How about What Am I by Why Don't We?" I brought a piece of sushi to meet my lips.

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