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I returned to my cabin completely exhausted. Realization occured to me and I just noticed that I was the first one to arrive. Madison, Erika, nor Zoë has step foot in this cabin.

"Hmm... guess I have some time for myself then," I hummed, making my way to my cabinet.

I pulled open the cabinet doors and found a clean pair of leggings and a fit sleeveless white top.

Quickly, I headed to the shower and let the cold pouring water carress my body. I'm so friggin tired! I can't keep up with this lousy activity and Alex Cooper!

Sighing, I massaged my temples as I taught about it in the shower. First, my parents came abusing my personal life, my brother and boyfriend left for college, I'm sent to this lousy camp and the highlight of it is that I'm stuck with Alex Cooper, thank you very much!

I stepped out of the shower afterwards as I wrapped a towel around my drenched hair followed by changing into the clothes I picked out.

Finally feeling fresh and neat, I hummed a song of Why Don't We. I was about to head out of the door to get some fresh air when something colorful  on my desk caught my eye.

I hunched over and saw a colored envelope addressed to me. Huh? I looked around prior cautiously taking a seat behind the table. Never in my life have I received something like this.

My fingers carefully opened the envelope to reveal a folded letter. Biting my lip, I unfolded the letter and began reading.

Hey Sis,

So I heard you're at camp, Castra Kappa Pi. I hope you have fun there! I miss you. College has been crazy lately and my schedule has been wilder than usual. I'm not able to go home  in a few months probably. But I'll do my best to clear my schedule.

I know it's difficult to deal with Mom and Dad's lectures about becoming the future CEO of our company but I'm sure you'll figure something out.

It's been very complex around here. Been trying to finish college to become a successful lawyer like Mom and Dad wanted.

Anyways, I love you :)

-Shawn Chandler :)

A small grin made its way to my lips. Somehow, I've been overwhelmed with sadness, heartbreak and at the same time, Shawn tugged at my heartstrings.

I took in the scent of the envelope. It smells like Shawn's cologne. I clutched it close to my heart, sighing.

Gosh, I miss my brother!

I looked out of the window and curled and twisted my pen in my hands. He is so fucking sweet. I don't deserve him.

But the thought of it will take few months more before I get to be in his arms again dawned on me, sadness clouded my head.

As soon as possible, I began scribbling a letter for my older brother. It will take a few days before he'll receive this though so that's why I'm sending him a note now.


Thank you so much for sending the note. Camp sucks right now and your note practically cheered me up.

I needed that letter. Thank you again. Too bad I won't get to see you but I want you to know how much I love you and miss you!

XOXO Audrey

I tucked the letter into a sealed envelope then set it inside my drawer, procrastinating, deciding I would send this letter at the mail post later this afternoon.

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