The Zoo & The Surprise

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You are drawn back to the real world as you feel a sudden thump on your head. You scream and then realize that you aunt has throw a tube of Pringles at your head. 

A(she's gonna be as N now bc her name is Natalia): Wake up sleepy head we're here!

Y: That went faster than I thought it would.

N: That's because you fell asleep half way through the movie. Look! There's Terri!

Terri: Hello Natalia! I hope the drive wasn't too terrible?

N: No, it wasn't bad, just long. 

T: Good! Let's get your luggage dear, (talking to you) and get you settled.

Y: Ok. I'm Y/N L/N, by the way.

T: Terri Irwin. Nice to meet you!

You walk as a group toward the house and as soon as Terri opens the door you are met by an adorable pug. Oh hi cute puggo. I think this is the Irwin's dog, Stella. 

T: This is Stella, our pug.

I was right. Why did I remember this????

Terri directs you upstairs and point out your room and tells you to get settled. You thank her and she goes downstairs. You hear a muffled conversation from downstairs but drown it out.

This is a nice room. My room is nothing compared to this. OH WOW THERE'S A BALCONY! 

You walk out onto the balcony. You hear a lion roar, an elephant (uhhh what ever it does idk, what's the official term), and birds squawk and make noise. You turn around and unpack, you can ask to tour the zoo later. You are putting your shirts in the drawer when you hear a knock on the door. Assuming that it's Terri, you yell out for them to come in. It's a boy who looks to be about your age. Who is this kid?

Robert: Hey are you Y/N? I'm Robert, Terri's son.

Y: Yeah. I am. Nice to meet you Robert!


I walked in from looking after the lemurs on Bindi's Island, when I saw my mom and Natalia talking. My mom noticed me and beckoned me over.

T: How are the animals Robert?

R: They are good mum, the lemurs climbed all over me. 

T: Awww that's adorable. Natalia's niece arrived a few minutes ago and should be unpacking, why don't you go up and say hello to her.

R: Ok mum.

I wonder what she looks like. It'll be nice having someone here that might be my age. I hope she's my age.

I walk up the stairs and stop at the door. I hear her moving around and opening drawers. 

Well, here we go. 

I knock on the door and hear her tell me to come in. I open the door. I see a girl who looks to be about my age look back at me. 

She's kinda pretty.


R: Do you want a tour of the zoo? After you finish unpacking, of course.

Y: Seriously? Yes, I'd love to.

R: Okay. How long do you think you'll be?

Y: I'm done now, if you want to go now.

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