wedding and wedding night

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You took a deep breath and you adjusted your hair. You turned to Amanda and she smiled. 

A: You look great hon, Robert is going to die when he sees you. 

Y: I hope not, I want to marry a person who is alive. 

A: Ah true. You'll do good anyway. 

(this is your fit and shoes. you can actually walk in the shoes you are welcome)

 you can actually walk in the shoes you are welcome)

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You looked in the mirror and nodded once

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You looked in the mirror and nodded once. 

Y: This calls for a picture. Gather the girls and get them in here. 

Amanda nodded and went into the hallway, getting all the girls. Bindi, Terri, Amanda, plus the friends you had made over the years: Lela, Wesleigh, Annie, and Kiera. (pronounce lela like with a hard e so like LEELAH, wesleigh is how it is if it ends in ley, just changed the spelling, with a soft s, and the others are basic; sorry if these are your names, you might just have met someone with the same name) You all gather in front of the mirror and all take a mirror selfie. 

Y: i'll post this after the wedding, it'll be super cute.


I am pacing back and forth, really nervous. I am really going to panic. I can't believe we are getting married, but at the same time I am happy. I don't think I am ready for much else. No kids yet. Just focusing on the zoo and being happy. 


Pastor: Face each other. Robert, please say your vows.

R: I, Robert, take you, Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N , to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.

Y: I, Y/N, take you, Robert Clarence Irwin, to be my husband. I promise to be faithful to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life.

P: Robert, do you take Y/N for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?


R: I do. 

P: Y/N , do you take Robert for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?

Y: I do.

P: You may kiss the bride.

Robert smiles as he leans in and kisses you softly on the lips, as everyone stands up and claps. He leads you out of the tent and out into the platform constructed for the reception. 

(this whole thing brought back memories of me serving weddings and messing it up that was fun)

An hour later, it is evening and the sun is setting. Everyone is still dancing the night away, enjoying food, and having a good time. A couple of hours after that, everyone is slowly filing out of the dance area to their cars, telling everyone good night and wishing you and Robert luck. Once everyone is out, Robert goes over to the music and stops it, taking you by the hand and leading you up to the house. You had long since taken off your shoes, which dangled from your hand. He led you upstairs, bringing you to his room. You just sat on the bed for a minute, in silence, thinking about the whole day. Someone knocked softly on the door, and you got up to answer it. It was Bindi. She handed you a pair of pajamas and wished you a good night. You went to the bathroom and changed into the pajamas. You removed your makeup and put your hair in a ponytail. You then gathered your dress up and went back to your room. Robert was relaxing on the bed, in a t-shirt and sweatpants. 

Y: Hey. What are we going to do tonight?

R: I don't really know what are we going to do tonight?

Y: Pull an all-nighter over our shared love for Avengers?

R: Sure. They have some of them on Netflix and we can chill. Sit down and we can start the movies. 

You plop down on the bed and Robert starts the show. A few minutes into the show, he places a gentle kiss on your cheek. A few moments later another one. And then he plants a long line of them along your jaw.

R: What about the chill part? Don't think I would forget that. 

He pulls you in closer as he continues to kiss you. 

(Y'all can imagine the rest of the night to yourselves, what you do, etc.) 

Let's just say it was the best night of your life. 


a/n this is the last chapter that i have planned out. if you want any other chapters, comment them. within a week, if i don't receive anything that you all will want, i'll mark the story as completed and we'll be done. ilysm this has been an awesome year writing for y'all and never give up on your dreams, okay? ;) please comment and vote~

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