You are, once again, jolted awake by an AIRHORN blown in your face. You scream and sit up. Robert sleepily sits up beside you, looking really confused.
B: Hey Chandler it worked!
C: Good, we need to set up camp for the next few weeks.
Y: Where the heck did an airhorn come from? And why did you have to use it?
B: We brought it just in case of an emergency, such as waking up two teenagers. It was Chandler's idea.
C: Sure Bindi, blame it all on me, go right ahead.
B: Anyway, we are going to set up camp for the next few weeks right here. While you were sleeping, Y/N, my mom called again. They said you aunt will be okay, though it will be a while before she's herself again. She told me to tell you not to worry and that you should stay here with us.
Y: Okay, sounds good. I'll stick around then.
B: Yay! I was hoping you'd say that. Let's go set our side of things.
Fifteen minutes later and you and Bindi winning against the boys in a race to set up your side, you settle down with some food and Apples to Apples.
Y: Ok, so this one is the word scary.
(they all put cards down, you shuffle them *ill put this here like whenever it's supposed to say, put cards down, shuffle and read them)
Y: Ok, so we have kittens, the Pillsbury Doughboy, and Debate clubs. I'm gonna go with Debate Clubs.
R: How are kittens not terrifying?????
C: And the Pillsbury Doughboy is insanely terrifying! It's eyes follow you. (this is it below if you didn't know)
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R: And the monstrous claws on kittens, what the heck, those hurt!
B: Kittens aren't scary Robert, and Chandler, why do the eyes follow you?
C: It's like the Mona Lisa and Starchild from KISS. (hahah this guys weird, but picture of him below)
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