the injury again. because cliffhanger, you're welcome

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also i'm going to apologize, i'm trying my very hardest to make this story gender neutral, but it's hard, so i apologize for the males reading this. i would say maybe imagine the pronouns as he/him or your preferred pronouns? again, i am super duper sorry.

You tried to squeeze back, but you weren't sure if your hand moved at all.  Then it all went black again. 

ROBERTS POV (wow lots of this)

She seemed to relax into the bed, but I couldn't be sure. Bindi walked over and rubbed my back and then stood up.

B: I'm gonna get you some food from the cafeteria, alright?

I nodded and she walked out. The rest stood up. 

C: We had better get back to the zoo. I'll have Lucas fill in for you on today's feeding show?

L: Yeah, I can do that. Just focus on helping her get better, alright?

R: Yeah, I'll try. 

They all file out as I sit there. A few minutes later or maybe even an hour later, Bindi comes back in. She hands me me pea and ham soup. I slowly ate it. She left at some point but I don't even know when that was. The seconds bled into minutes and the minutes bled into hours. I don't even know when the sun went down and the lights shut off. It was all one huge blur. Hours bled into days and days bled into a week. Finally on the morning of the eighth day, Chandler and Lucas came in. 

C: Come on, Rob. We're going home. 

R: I can't just leave her. She needs me.

C: Robert, you've been here for a week. The dogs miss you and so do the people. I think being back at the zoo will help. 

R: But-

C: No buts Rob. We're going. 

Chandler takes my hand and pulls me out of the room.  I follow him numbly, not really registering anything. I just want her to be better. Even just for her to wake up so I could tell her I loved her again. 

Some time later, we arrive back at the zoo and the second we step out, we are flooded with people from the media.

Media: "Where is she?" "Are you okay?" "Where is your wife?" "Is your wife alright?" "Where have you both been for the past week?"

Chandler shoves them all aside, as I follow like a lost puppy, blocking out the world. We walk into the zoo as the reporters try to follow us. Fellow keepers rush over and hold them off, not letting them get close to us or talk to us. Bindi and Amanda come running up and escort us the rest of the way to the house. As soon as we are inside, Bindi ushers me to her room and sits me on the bed. She gets wipes from her makeup station and begins to wipe my face off. I hadn't realized, but I had tear stains and my eyes had crusted over, almost sealing shut. The bags underneath my eyes were huge. I probably had other issues, underneath the surface of my skin. I was probably dehydrated and definitely sleep deprived. (he also would be suffering from memory loss but i ain't gonna do that to him lmao) Ten minutes later, my face was clear and slightly red from the wipes, but other than that, I felt a little better. Chandler had brought in tea from Starbucks (passion fruit iced tea is glorious yall) and I had drank all of it. Lucas had picked out a comfortable outfit and I had changed into it and I was now relaxing in my room, waiting for sleep to overcome me. I didn't have to wait long, however. I was out when my mum checked in on me five minutes afterwards. 


You drifted into consciousness but you couldn't open your eyes. You noticed Robert's hand wasn't in yours. Good, he's gone to the zoo. Suddenly the door flung open and banged into the wall. There was multiple sets of footsteps that came pounding into the room. A collective sigh of relief went up, but for what reason, you didn't know. You heard a doctor start talking. 

D: She is alright. The high levels of electricity probably wasn't a sign of a seizure, she probably drifted into consciousness. She may be able to hear us right now, so lets be quieter. There hasn't been noise around her for a while, it could be painful to the ears. 

Someone shuffled around and started shining a flashlight (torch for the british people) in your face, checking for any movement. You winced and tried to move away and found you could move your head. The person called for another doctor and shone the light in your face again. You slowly blinked open your eyes and winced while covering your eyes with your hand. The doctor turned the flashlight off.  A nurse ran out of the room and returned a few moments later. She nodded.

N: They're coming. 


We are all on the couch, silently sitting. There are reporters banging on the door and ringing the doorbell every few minutes, trying to get inside. We have ignored all of them. Suddenly the phone started ringing, showing the number for the nurse's station on Y/N's floor. I dive for it and answer immediately. The words that come through the phone make me smile huge and I send Bindi upstairs to get Robert. 

She's awake.

a/n: howdy yall imma back. sorry about the long wait. my break has not been very easy, but yall dont need details. the important thing is that I AM BACK CHICAS Y CHICOS Y WHATEVER YOU IDENTIFY AS *MWAHS* so yeah please comment and vote and remember i love youuuu.

also happy belated birthday rob (i can't believe he's 17 already oh my god)

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