the children~

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(haven't done this before haha well it's happened)

I walked in the front door and called out my usual announcement.

R: Hi honey, I'm home! (how many of you have watched the brady bunch?)

Only one thing was different. It was met with silence. I walked into the kitchen and saw a box on the counter. It had a blue and pink ribbon tied around it. I went over to it and saw on the top that it said For: Robert, so I went ahead and opened it. I untied the ribbon and opened the lid.

To see a pregnancy test stick. Change that. POSITIVE PREGNANCY TEST STICK. My jaw dropped as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

R: Is this true?

Y: Yes, Robert. We did it!


I spun around and swung you around in a hug. We stayed hugging each other for like ten minutes until Bindi came in and stopped.

B: What has happened?

R: Well. Umm. How do you feel about being an aunt?

Bindi screamed and ran over, hugging both of us. We hear running footsteps above us as Chandler came running. He burst into the kitchen and stopped when he saw us in a group hug?

C: Guys. What are you doing? I thought Bindi got attacked or something?

B: No I'm fine. I had a slight heart attack when I got the news.

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