A/N: just a lil song abt friendship with someone close ^ i cried a lil bit at this
You two arrive home and are greeted by Stella and their new dog, Piggy. (SHES RLLY CUTE YALL) You scoop both dogs up and give them a big hug. You wander off to your room to get some sleep and shut your door and change into your pajamas and hit the pillow.
You are woken by the alarm you barely remembered to set before you fell asleep. You drag yourself out of bed and grab your zoo clothes that you find Robert had tossed on the edge of your bed. You get dressed and look in the mirror and realize that the clothes have Robert's name on them. You blush, snap a pic, and send it to the group chat.
CrAzY fOr OuRsElvEs 💜
Y: hey guys! Y'all should be sleeping bc i just woke up here but a lil pic from my adventures here 😂 (inset pic you just took in Robert's clothes)
Max: ooooooooooo 😉
Alex: wait rlly???? I'm proud of you honey!!!
Bf: they look great on you boo!
Y: Y'all should be asleep 🙄.
A: sorry were having a sleep over!
Y: wO mE???
M: sorry you were ONLY IN AUSTRALIA
Y: oh yeah 😁
Bf: bro how do forget smth that serious???
Y: idk mates
A: we invaded B/F/N's old costume bin 😂 were currently dressed as anna Elsa and kristoff
Y: oi! Anyway i gotta go get breakfast I'm starving
Bf,M,A: byeeeeeeee 👋🏻
You wander downstairs and grab the Lucky Charms which Robert finally had brought down from his room. You pour yourself some and eat fast. You walk back to your room and do your hair in two Dutch braids.
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Sorry if this ain't your hair color, just go with it ig?
Your phone buzzes with a text from Robert.
Bob ❤️ 💕
R: hey I'm at the crocoseum if you want to come down.
Y: ok be there in a few minutes
You run downstairs and run all the way to the crocoseum attracting weird looks as you go. You hear people whispering.
I wonder if she realizes that she has Robert's clothes.