Tent Time

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SHORT THING: I HAVE THE VIDEO I LIKED UP THERE AND THEN THE IRWIN GOOGLE DOODLE: IT MADE ME CRY. It made me cry in school to be more accurate. I opened the chrome book and started crying people have seen me cry before though because I have a low pain tolerance. Ik its from a while ago, but I hope you saw it. if you didn't, well there you go. 

You and Robert are settling down when you notice something suspicious hanging from the top of the security. You stand up and immediately fall down because you forgot you were on a trampoline. You try again and succeed to make it over there. You reach up and grab the thing. You bring it down and see it was the freaking GoPro. 

Y: Rob, how long has this been here?

R: I have no idea. 

Y: I'm gonna get this for this. How should we do this?

R: I have no idea. Maybe take it and see how long it takes for them to notice?

Y: Sounds good. What do you want to watch?

You pull out your computer and log on to Netflix. You go to the search bar and get ready to type.

R: Do they have anything Avengers?

Y: I dunno. I can look though.

You spend a few minutes searching and come up with depressing results. 

Y: They only have LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: AVENGERS Reassembled. (I dont own this movie, cred to original owner)

R: Oh that movie is terrible. 

Y: Do you want to watch To All the Boys I've Loved Before? (same as above, I dont own this cred to original owner)

R: Sounds cheesy but sure.

You settle down to watch the movie. Pretty soon you hear Robert's and your names being called in anger. You quickly shove the GoPro out of sight. You pause the movie and see Bindi and Chandler almost rip the zipper opening it. They look in looking very angry.

C: Where is the cam you naughty children?

B: Give it to us now. We just want to make sure you aren't getting in trouble over here.

Y: What camera? (you and Robert decided to play dumb beforehand)

C: Crap Bindi I told you it fell. Now we spilled the secret!

B: I swear Chandler I heard them find it. 

C: Nope. Let's go look for it.

B: Okay, you can go. I'm cold and I'm going back to the tent.

You and Robert look at each other at this remark. You are trying not to laugh your heads off, but Robert's shoulders are shaking and you are struggling to cover your smile. 

C: Hey Bindi, I don't see the camera. Maybe you were right. 

B: Maybe it fell inside. 

Y: It might have. But you cannot come up and check because (a) this is our castle and (b) this trampoline has a weight limit. Two adults would make it break.

C: Alright, we'll come for it in the morning you two. Don't get in trouble. We trust you.

R: Why did you go to the trouble of the camera then?


R: You keep talking about it, I can figure out that you did it; why would you come for it then?

C: We could have been fooling with you. It could have been a trick.

R: True but its not. We saw you earlier putting it up and never mentioned it to you. 

C: You did?

R: Yup. We aren't blind.

C: Well, I had better get back to our tent. See y'all later. 

R: Bye!

After he leaves, you pose a question that had been bothering you forever. 

Y: Did you actually see them do it?

R: Nope. I just figured it and had to make it believable.

Y: Oh. Anyway, back to the movie. 

You settle back down. Robert wraps his arm around your shoulder and you lean into the embrace. (me over here being like wow I cannot believe I wrote that, but I did it and im not going to delete and making the weirdest I cannot believe I did that face) He softly plants a kiss on your forehead. You grab some more popcorn and play the movie through.

After the movie, you grab your blanket and lay down. 

R: Are you sleepy?

Y: Yeah, after all of today's excitement, I just kinda wanna sleep. 

R: Okay. I'm gonna stay up for a bit, but you can sleep.

Y: 'Kay. Love ya.

R: Love you too.

He plants another kiss on your forehead as you drift off to dreamland.


Oh my God she's beautiful. I wonder if she would be up to taking pictures tomorrow. She agreed to it, she has to. I hope I can talk to my mom about the idea I had for her. I'll talk about it with Bindi and Chandler a bit. I can go wake them up.

I climb out of the tent and walk over to their tent. I unzip it and walk in. They are still awake, watching a movie on Chandler's laptop. I clear my throat and they look up. Bindi shuts the laptop and points at my bed for me to sit down. 

R: Can she stay?

B: We honestly don't know Rob, we called mum and she said she would check with her. I'm hoping it wouldn't be an issue. We love her, and she loves us. She would stay with us during the search for a place. Her mom is not doing well though. They aren't sure what happened. It has caused severe trauma whatever it is and she is in a coma. They aren't sure if she will wake up. I'm sorry Robert. 

R: Do we tell her yet?

B: I wouldn't for now, unless something develops.  We'll let you know.

C: Go get some sleep buddy. We can talk some more later. Okay?

R: Yeah. Let me know if something develops. 

C: We will. Go get some sleep.

R: 'Kay. Love you guys.

B&C: We love you too. 

Robert climbs back out of the tent and back onto the trampoline. He comes over to where you are sleeping and lays down next to you. He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer into a hug. 

R: (whispering) I am so sorry baby.

A/N OKAYYY cannot believe I wrote that. next chap will be your moms pov, see what happens there. love you guys! please vote and comment, I love hearing from you guys.

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