Amanda's Arrival

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We run out of the smoke and bam, right in the first place I look is my girlfriend, sitting next to ..... Amanda?!?! 

I stand there dazed for a second as both wave at me. I wave back, subtly. I walk over to the center where I am supposed to introduce the ones we are feeding and presenting. 

Okay, Robert focus. How can I focus, I have two of the most women watching me, aside from Mum and Bindi. C'mon Robert, just start talking.

R: G'day everybody, welcome to Australia Zoo. Today, we will be feeding Murphy and Tobi. They are two males. Please welcome Murphy!

Murphy crawls out and comes towards me, sensing I have meat. I lead him over where I want him and feed him, giving him multiple pieces of meat. Then I turn the direction to Bindi and Mum, up on the platform. They talk more about the species and then feed Tobi. I take this time to stare at my girlfriend and my favorite cousin. Chandler comes up to me and tells me to wake up, that they're putting the crocs away and the show is ending. We walk to the center where Bindi and Mum meet us, we do the final bow and walk backstage. We silently put away the mics, as I finally break the silence. 

R: Mum, was that the surprise?

T: Yes, I knew you would like it. 

R: Mum, I almost stumbled on my words. That was crazy, I didn't expect it but I am grateful.

T: Well, good. They should be here in a few minutes.

R: What?

Y: Hey Rob!

I turn to the voice and see her, Amanda, standing there with Y/N.


Y: Hey Rob!

A: I have missed you. 

R: Same. Oh God, I never thought this would happen.

A: Me either.

Robert engulfs Amanda in a tight hug, as she hugs back. You can't help but feel a little jealous, but you smile all the same. Robert looks over and sees you smiling, and beckons you in. It slowly becomes a giant group hug. You all stand there for several minutes, just hugging. You slowly worm your way out, and the others follow. 

Y: We should head out, maybe hit the town. Y'know, so Amanda can reminisce about the place. Except the coffee shop. Unless you want to. 

A: It would be okay, I really liked their coffee. And I need some coffee right about now, I still have jet lag.

R: Alright lets go, I can drive.

A: Is that one boy still here? Lucas?

R: Yes, do you want him to come along?

A: Yeah. If you don't mind.

R: Of course not, let's go annoy him.

A: He still hates that doesn't he?

R: Yes. Y/N, it's a long story. But we used to bug him all the time. Amanda liked him and we think he liked her. He told me a couple months ago he did. 

A: Wow, I hope he still does. 

R: He should, he doesn't shut up about you. 

You walk towards the animal hospital. You have no idea what to look for, so you post a picture on Instagram. Suddenly, Robert blurts out.

R: Over there. Go work your magic.

A: Alright, I will be back. 

As she walks over to him, you check notifications, seeing a few texts from your mom. You still call her every day. You open them.

Mom ❤️

M: Hi honey! I hope you are still doing well since I last called you. I saw on the news that Bailey Mannion is going to court for attacking Robert?

M: I hope she didn't do anything to you!

Y: I am safe, don't worry. We are back at the zoo now, because of her and we also had some evidence against her that we needed to get back immediately. I know you are most likely sleeping or something else right now, so I am sending this one text message and will leave you alone. Maybe.

You redirect your attention as you see Amanda and Lucas coming towards you. You all start walking to where Robert's car is parked. You hop in and Robert drives to the coffee shop. You see Amanda start to look nervous, so you speak up.

Y: If you are nervous Amanda, we don't have to go here.

A: I think I'll be okay, just brings back memories. 

Y: Alright, if you need to we can leave, okay?

A: Yep.

You get out and walk in. You see Lucas reach over and grab her hand and squeeze it. You smile quietly to yourself. You and Robert walk up to the counter and order a coffee each. Amanda gets tea and Lucas gets a donut. You walk over and sit down at the tables and eat in silence. 

R: Where do you want to go next Amanda?

A: Not sure. Where do you want to go?

R: I have no idea.

Y: Do you want to go shopping?

A: That sounds fun. Where would we go?

Y: I was thinking BEERWAH Village and Marketplace?

A: Sure. I have a bunch of money I brought with me too, so we can use that first, and then max out the credit card.

Y: Sounds good. Boys?

L: Shopping is nasty. Want to hit the beach and they can catch up with us when they're done?

R: Sure. How does that sound to you?

Y: Pretty good. Amanda?

A: Yeah, sounds really good actually. There's absolutely no ocean where I came from. (sorry if you live by the beach, bc she happened to live by you?)

You stand up and head your separate ways. You decide that Amanda can drive Robert's car and Robert and Lucas will use Chandler's car. 

A/N alright guys. we had a major storm yesterday otherwise I would have updated yesterday im really sorry. love y'all and please vote!

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