Chapter Fourteen

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Sonic stopped to lean against a tree. Shadow stopped beside him. Something was different about Sonic. He would stop and take breaks almost constantly and it worried Shadow more than Sonic would ever know.

"Sonic, are you sure that you're alright?" Shadow asked.

"I'm fine Shadow," Sonic replied and faked a smile. He put his hand on his chest, feeling like he couldn't get enough air. Sonic knew that something was wrong with him, but he wouldn't let Shadow know. That would only delay their escape from Hydron and the others. He took Shadow's hand. "Let's go." Shadow nodded. It had only been a few minutes when Sonic stopped again.

"Sonic, are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine Shadow. I just felt dizzy for a moment. Don't worry."

These comments did begin to worry Shadow. It wasn't like Sonic to feel dizzy, tired, or breathless like he had been the past few days.

"Sonic," Shadow asked, "I think we'd be faster if I carried you." Shadow didn't wait for a response and picked Sonic up.

"Are you sure I'm not too heavy for you?"

"You're light as a feather."

Sonic almost immediately fell asleep in Shadow's arms.

I'm sorry Sonic, but I need to get you to a hospital.

I'm sorry Sonic, but I need to get you to a hospital

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Sonic woke up to find bright lights stinging his eyes. Sonic slowly sat up and realized where he was.

A hospital!

Sonic tried to kick off the covers, only for a hand to calmly hold his arm.

"It's okay Sonic," Shadow said, "Don't be scared. I'm here."

"Shadow, why are we in a hospital?"

"We're here because you've been acting strange."

Sonic looked at the drawn curtain to his left sideways. He knew that Shadow was going to find out sooner or later.

"Why didn't you tell me something was wrong Sonic?"

"I'm sorry Shadow. I didn't want to slow you down, or get us caught by Hydron and the others."

"Sonic, are you nuts? You need to tell me these things. Besides, Hydron and the others are way behind us." Sonic nodded and laid back down. The doctor came in.

"Hello Sonic," he said.

"Hi Sir."

"What is it?" Shadow asked. "Is it bad?"

"No, it's not bad at all. Sonic has become anaemic."

"What does that mean?" Sonic asked.

"It means you're lacking in red blood cells. But it's an easy fix. You just need to take this iron supplement for about two weeks."

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