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Willdabeast__ Following

(insert prom announcement video)

533,712 views liked by dancerlivsimone, tatimcquay and 123,098 others
Willdabeast__ #ImmaProm
If we didn't make it clear in the video 15 years old and up HAVE to bring a date, this is not for anything romantic related reasons we just want the teens to step out of their shells so ladies you might have to ask a guy/girl out too
So, I and Janelle want them to learn some real-world skills and they have to confirm their date with me and/or Janelle Marv Erica or MaryAnn by June 8th
Date: June 9
Location: Los Angeles Marriott in Burbank California/The same place where we hold BuildaBeast tagged: immabeastco immabreathe djmarv625 janelleginestra thee.mac.chavez ericas_style
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Tayd_dance @ethan.gourley 👀

Nat_bat_ @ that_kidmanny 💙

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Kaycee: So, I just saw the date and we don't have a lot of time do we

Bailey: If you mean getting dresses, makeup, nails, hair, heels, and dates then yes

Kaycee: Yeah... now I see why people stress out about Prom

Tahani: Well but I mean it's us!
Tahani: We have to get asked out

1 week later

Tahani: So, um remember how I said we were going to get asked out...

Kaycee: Yeah

Tahani: It's been a week and unless you girls aren't telling me something
Tahani: then none of us have a date!

Bailey: I tried to get some of the Imma guys to ask me or at least one of you
Bailey: But there was like literally no interest or they were already taken

Kaycee: Wow

Tahani: I know we should have known this
Tahani: But there are not a lot of guy dancers in Imma
Tahani: At least between ages 15 and 21

Kaycee: Yeah, he wasn't kidding in ask someone fast
Kaycee: Anyways I'll see you in class Bai

Bailey's: Matt's?

Kaycee: Yep!
Kaycee: Sure, you don't want to come Hani?

Tahani: I would if I could

Julian's Apartment

"Alright, so you're going to get to Matt's class early that way you can ask her out!" Julian said recapping Sean's plan

"To Prom! Ask her out to Prom!" Sean corrects him

"What's the difference?" Julian asks

"Asking her out means I'm asking her to be my girlfriend!" Sean says

"...I guess but if all things work out she would end up being your girlfriend, right?" Julian says not seeing the big deal in the wording

"Enough about me, what about you who are you going to ask?" Sean asks Julian "Who was the girl you were interested in but might not like you?"

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