Ch 8 Date

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About a week after ImmaProm

Bailey's House: Bailey's Room

"You sure you don't need us to help pick out an outfit or anything for your first date?" Tahani asked

"Nope! I got everything I need!" Bailey said pointing to an outfit on her desk

"You don't even seem nervous," Kaycee said

"Why should I? This is Sean Lew he probably has everything planned down to the sole of his shoes" Bailey said as she gets the movie ready

"Great..." Kaycee said disappointingly which Tahani caught but decided not to say anything

"So, let's watch this movie!" Bailey said

Sean's House: The Garage

"Okay, how about this?" Sean asked Julian and Josh about his blue jacket

"The jacket looks, fine dude!" Josh said obviously annoyed at his best friend

"Okay but what about these shoes?" Sean asked looking at his cleaned-up Nikes

"Dude you look great can we get started on our concept now!?" Julian said as they have been approving Sean's outfit for about 2 hours straight and haven't even started creating their concept

"I just want to make sure I look good for Bailey and I's first date tomorrow," Sean said as he looks in the mirror again to see if the outfit looks good enough for date

"It's dinner and a movie you're not going to a castle or something," Josh says as he gets on his phone

"Shut up this is a big deal!" Sean says knowing that Josh doesn't really care but he still values his opinion

"Look you like each other and get along great you need to relax," Julian said

"I never said I liked her..." Sean said as he knows he's still conflicted

"So, you asking her out, kissing her, and freaking out over a date with her isn't liking her?" Julian said "You are confusion"

"...But what if I can't keep her entertained or what if something bad happens" Sean says ignoring that topic as he takes off his jacket and shoes

"It's not, it's going to go great!" Julian said

"Can you two come with me just in case?" Sean asked

"NO!" Juliosh said

"Why not?" Sean said

"Tell me one good reason why we should go with you on your first date with a girl ever?!" Julian said

"Because if it goes badly you two can kidnap me and-!" Sean said

"-NO!" Juliosh said again

"Can you at least follow us to make sure nothing bad happens" Sean pleads

"And what put in earpieces so we can give you advice as well?" Josh jokes

"Yes, that would be awesome!" Sean says utterly stoked for Josh's idea

"I was joking..." Josh said

"I'm not! Let me go see if I can find some Bluetooth devices or something!" Sean says as he runs to his room

"Good going Josh," Julian said obviously not a fan of his idea

"Leave me alone!" Josh said

Bailey's House: Bailey's Room

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