Ch 10 Let it out

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"Really?" Kaycee said as Sean walked over to her and wrapped his hands around her waist

"Yeah, it's always been you Kayc," Sean said as he leaned in for the kiss which was eagerly returned by Kaycee who even had her leg raised up like in the movies

Bailey seeing this stormed out the dining room, with Josh not far behind going after her

"Not how I thought this night would go" Julian commented as Sean and Kaycee finally separated from their kiss as they overhead Julian

"You mean that Sean and Kaycee finally admit their feelings for each other only for it to break Bailey's heart as she's essentially has been toyed with this whole time," Tahani said "Yeah not how I thought this night would go"

"I might have just lost my best friend..." Kaycee said

Sean's Pool

Bailey was crying into Josh's chest in front of Sean's pool

Josh hadn't said a word just there to keep her company

"Sorry I got your shirt wet," Bailey said as she wiped some of the remaining tears with her arm

"It's okay," Josh said

"Can you take me home?" Bailey asked as Josh nodded and got his phone out

"...Uber in 5 minutes" Josh said as the ride didn't take long to confirm

"Thank you," Bailey said as tears started to flow again "I'm such a baby we've only been dating a month it shouldn't hurt this much"

"No one's calling you a baby," Josh said

"It's my fault for not asking Kaycee about it sooner it would have saved me a lot of grief if I learned this all earlier," Bailey said thinking if this had happened weeks ago it wouldn't sting so bad

"If anything it's my fault, I was the one who convinced Sean not to immediately correct his mistake because I felt it would hurt you in the end," Josh said "And look you still got hurt in the end, I'm sorry I'm a bad best friend"

"This is not your fault!" Bailey said "Please don't blame yourself for what happened"

"I guess I'm just in a state of asking what if," Josh said "What if Sean just said the right name, what if he immediately said his mistake, what if Kaycee confessed long before all this, what if you didn't like Sean, what if I would have said..."

"That you like Kaycee" Bailey finished for him

"That obvious?" Josh said

"No but I am your best friend I tend to notice things like that with you," Bailey said "Why didn't you just tell her? You had a good chance of her saying yes"

"It's hard to tell someone you like them when they like someone else..." Josh said as Bailey agreed then realized that is what Kaycee position was in just with her and Sean


"I don't know what to say to them," Tahani said as she and Julian were by the clear door separating them from the pool as they watched Bailey and Josh talking

"Sometimes there's nothing to say," Julian said as he sympathized with Bailey "Breakups suck and sometimes time is what you need"

"Yeah," Tahani said familiar with breakups herself "But as friends, we should support them at least let them know we're there for them"

"Agreed," Julian said as they see Josh and Bailey getting up "Here they come"

The door opened and Bailey was immediately hugged by Tahani "Tahani?" Bailey said from the sudden hug

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