Ch 7 Prom

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(So Josh Beauchamp is in this chapter, I'm just going to call him Beauchamp so there's no confusion with him and Josh Price)

June 9th Prom Day

Kaycee's House

"Oh, Josh you're on time good I'll be ready in about 3 hours," Kaycee said letting Josh in the house

"3-3 hours?!" Josh said as he followed Kaycee upstairs to her room

Kaycee's Room

"Yeah," Kaycee said as she points at her leggings that she's wearing "Do I look ready?"

"No, but you told me to get here at 4 and prom starts at 7 why did you say get here early if you're not even ready?" Josh said

"I don't know, want to talk?" Kaycee said

"While you get dressed?" Josh said utterly confused

"Yeah, I mean when I'm changing we'll be separated but I still got hair and makeup to do," Kaycee said

"... Yeah sure fine" Josh said giving up since he's already here


Bailey's House: Bailey's Room

"You look so good, baby!" Judie Sok said as she put the finishing touches on Bailey's appearance

"Thanks, mom!" Bailey says as the doorbell rings "That must be Sean!"

Living Room

Bailey's dad opened the door to see Tahani and Kenneth and let them in

"Good seeing you two," Bailey's dad said as he went back to doing what he was doing before

"Likewise," Kenneth said as he kept the door opened "Come on Sean!"

"I still can't believe Sean got a limo for us," Tahani said

"Right!" Kenneth says as Sean finally makes his way inside

"Sorry I had to tell the driver to wait again," Sean says as he picked up Kenneth first then Tahani and now Bailey

"I couldn't really tell in the limo but you look good in red Sean" Tahani said

Sean wore black with red and Kenneth wore black with purple to match Bailey's and Tahani's dress colors

"Thanks, but-" Sean started but had his voice snatched as he looked up

"Hi, guys!" Bailey said as she started to walk down the stairs with the assistance of Kylie and Britney her sisters

"Girl you look gorgeous!" Tahani said

"Yeah you look good Bailey," Kenneth says

"Thank you, you two look cute as well," Bailey says as she walks up to Sean who's been starstruck

"Dude use your words" Kenneth whispers loudly

"Wow!" Sean manages to get out

"I meant more than one word," Kenneth says to himself as Tahani laughs at Sean's reaction as Bailey just smiled at Sean's genuine reaction

"Thanks, Sean, and see red did look good on you," Bailey says poking at his tie "You look wow too"

"Oh, before I forget," Sean said revealing the corsage

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