Ch 14 Friends

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The six friends we're once again rehearsing for another concept video

"Alright good work guys we'll pick this up another time" Sean announced to his friends as it was time to close IMMASpace

"Alright everyone let's pack up!" Julian said

"Dude let's not have that long of a rehearsal again," Josh said being tired from the constant dancing

"We have to make it perfect though," Kaycee said

"Yeah, but we got a few months! It's not like we don't have time" Tahani said

"So, until then let's just relax get something to eat-" Sean said

"-With smoothies!" Bailey added

"And some smoothies and go home," Julian said

"Alright let's go I'm driving!" Sean said

"How are we going to fit in your car? There's six of us?" Josh asked as Sean's car could fit five people

"Just have your girlfriend sit on your lap," Julian said teasing Josh as now he's the one out of the three guys that doesn't have a girlfriend

"Girlfriend!!!? Who's his girlfriend because I know he isn't talking to someone else while he's!!!-" Tahani started to go off until Kaycee covered her mouth

"He was talking about you, sis!" Kaycee whispered as everyone was looking at Tahani as if she was crazy

"Oh, my bad... Good idea Julian let's go" Tahani said grabbing Josh to avoid any teasing from the others

"Wow, you are going to become the crazy girlfriend! We're not even together now and you're already losing your mind over other girls" Josh said as he started laughing at her

"Shut up!" Tahani said embarrassed

They all got in Sean's car with Kaycee in the passenger seat and the other four in the back

"Where to fam?" Sean asked


"Of all times where you five always want to eat no one has a choice now!" Sean said

"What about you?" Kaycee asked


"Great we all don't know!" Josh said

"Can we just get pizza and not worry" Julian suggested

"Alright where?" Sean asked the group


"Pizza Hut!!!!"

"California Pizza Kitchen!!!!"

"Papa Johns!!!!!"

"Chuck-E-Cheese!!!!!!!" Bailey said as everyone was staring at her "What I went there recently with some kids I was teaching one day, the pizza's really good! Uneven but good"

"Alright Chuck-E-Cheese it is!" Sean said starting to drive finally

"Hey! We didn't agree!" Julian said

"Well I'm driving so unless you want to hop out as I'm driving then you're stuck with us," Sean said as it wasn't long until they got on the highway

"This Pizza better be good" Julian mumbled as Josh just patted his shoulder since he feels the same lightly releasing his grip on Tahani

"Josh don't you dare let go of me!!" Tahani said since she and Josh were in the middle backseat and she was on Josh's lap, so she doesn't have a seat belt

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