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Some days later

Tahani, Kenneth, Bailey and a few others were currently behind the scenes of another dance job they booked

The younger ones were currently doing schoolwork as they talk to each other

"Wow so that ImmaProm thing has been getting really intense lately" Kenneth brings up after seeing another prom proposal on Instagram

"Yeah I'm so glad Sean asked me because I would hate to miss this" Bailey said on the other side of the table

"Yeah but I still need a date since I think all the guys in Imma are taken especially after Sean asked you," Tahani said "It really made all the guys hurry up"

"Really all of them?" Kenneth questioned

"Yep I mean except for a few like Julian but I'm not asking him and he's not going to ask me," Tahani said

"Why not?" Bailey asked

"I mean if it's absolutely necessary we might but I know we rather not go with someone just because we couldn't get an actual date" Tahani said "I'm not even talking about trying to make him my boyfriend just someone I know won't just run off and go hang with his closest friends as soon as we walk in the door"

"So, a good friend that you can have fun with," Kenneth said

"Yeah just a guy that will be fine hanging out with me, Bailey and Sean, Kaycee and whoever her date will be, since we agreed to us three girls were going to be together no matter what," Tahani said

"I mean I'm good friends with Sean and Kaycee and Bailey so..." Kenneth said as Bailey tried to hold back her laughter at the obvious hint while holding her phone up

"Kenny, do you want me to ask you to the dance?" Tahani asked after catching the hint

"I mean if you want to I'm not forcing you or anything," Kenneth said trying to act as cool as possible

"Okay, Kenny do you want to be my date for the dance?" Tahani asked

"Of course," Kenneth said as they shake hands

"Andddd stop recording," Bailey said after she stops recording the prom proposal and a little before that

"Bailey!!" Tahani said

"Sorry, but it was cute!" Bailey said laughing as she prepared to publish it to her Instagram story

"Are you cool with..." Tahani said pointing to Kenneth

"Yeah, we're fine! Go ahead have fun!" Bailey said as Tahani relaxed "Make him your boyfriend even!"

"Bailey!" Tahani exclaimed making Bailey laugh as Kenneth looked confused

"Girls" Kenneth summed up

Julian's Apartment

"Do you mind if I plug in my phone?" Josh asked Julian as it was his charger

"No, just don't mess up the cord" Julian answered

"Thanks! What were you saying again?" Josh asked Julian as he interrupted him

"So, Bailey got asked by Sean and Tahani asked Kenneth so one of us must get a date," Julian said after seeing the Instagram updates

"Dang my backup's backup got taken," Josh says as after Bailey got asked he was probably going to ask Tahani as a backup "And we're getting really close to Prom,"

"I know! Do you know anyone that doesn't have a date?" Julian asks

"Hold on," Josh says as he types away on his phone "Charlize, Vivien, and Kaycee still don't, no way around it bro you have to ask Charlize"

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